Chapter 8: Friends with Xenomorphs

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Earlier in the day Arran had setup a day out for Zathena and himself at an old friend's private business. While Arran had his doubts he needed his friend to help them because not only is the company no doubt looking for them, but they needed a way to hide Zathena just in case Weyland came looking for her at his home. Arran got dressed while Zathena wondered about was her surprise was, he then opened the front door of his house slowly and checked for possible witnesses. He couldn't see any so he quickly hinted at her to get into the back seat, Arran gently put a blanket over her so as no one could see her. He got in the driver seat of his car a drove off, the ride was slightly bumpy as Arran was trying to have as little time as possible in the car so was driving quite fast. Around eight minutes later they arrived at a huge hall like building; it had massive steel exteriors and was about fifty feet tall. Arran then turned around and told Zathena sounding commanding while also sounding quite nervous, "Stay here, ok? I'm going to go get my friend, I'll be right back." She never liked letting him go anywhere but she gave a subtle croon of acknowledgement, he exited the vehicle and went round the corner of this huge building to the entrance.

Being greeted by his friend standing outside Arran asked, "How's the business going?" His friend replied, "Ya know, excellent as always. How've you been?" Arran then happily said, "Anthony, you know me, well paid, well dressed and lovin' every minute of it." Anthony then asked, "Well here you go, no one but me, let's get inside and practice our untold championships. Eh, Arran?" Arran then sounding uneasy said, "Actually before we do, there is one more member to our party." Anthony asked, "Who? Wait a minute, have you got yourself a girlfriend? Awe man, ma boy is growing up. So tell me, who is it? Sarah, Jessica, one of your science buddies maybe?" To his questions Arran seemed quite embarrassed and said, "No, actually eh, she is, well you know how I work as a medical examiner? Well she is one of the things I've been, examining." Anthony looked confused and asked, "Wait a minute, 'things', what things? You told me you work in the medical branch of Weyland Yutani, so who or what is she?" Arran quickly replied, "She is a specimen, of the lab." More confused Anthony looked at his statement. "I'll just go and get her, give me a minute." Arran returned to his car round the corner and brought her out.

While walking around to Anthony, Arran told her, "Whatever he does be calm, I've known this guy for years, and he's a good friend. Please don't frighten him." Zathena seemed more afraid of this guy, but then she could sense a second heartbeat around the corner and she began getting anxious about meeting another human besides Arran. Zathena came round the corner with Arran trying not to look threatening, but it didn't work. The second Anthony saw her, his heart began beating at a deafeningly quick pace to Zathena, he pulled out a handgun from behind him and asked, "What the fuck Arran?!" His scent betrayed his fear, desperation and unpredictability, Zathena froze trying hard to hold back her natural urge to leap forward and grab him. Arran yelled, "Woe, put down the gun Anthony! She isn't going to hurt you!" Anthony started shaking he was so scared and exclaimed, "BULLSHIT! She isn't!" Zathena couldn't hold on and she leaped forward, Anthony couldn't even react in time to do anything about it she was so fast. She knocked him to the ground and flung the gun away, she hissed at him and held him down firmly, but she remembered Arran's words about urges. She held back on her aggressive manner while still holding him to the ground, Arran retrieved the gun and emptied the clip. Calmly he told her, "Let him go, I think he's calmed down. Right Anthony?" Anthony nodded still in shock about his ordeal; she slowly released him and let him stand up. Arran then put his hand on Anthony's right shoulder and said, "You ok?" Anthony turned to him not taking his eyes of the enormous black creature in front of him and said, "Yeah… I'm… I'm good, thanks man."

Xenomorph, Emotion or InstinctNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ