Chapter 12: Natural Rivalries

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Arran was subjugated under the xenomorph he had just saved from a trap; he was in no position to retaliate and was awaiting his death. He had his eyes shut so didn't know why he wasn't dead already; feeling he was safe even in the presence of the xeno he slowly, cautiously opened his eyes. The saliva of the creature was dribbling onto his coat in volume, its inner mouth poised and ready to kill him. Yet the xeno wasn't doing anything, it was just staring at him aggressively while still holding his limbs down firmly. Then the xeno sensed something, its oblong head swivelled around to see what was there, Arran looked in the direction as well. It was Zathena walking on all fours down the road Arran had come from, so Arran saw his chance for help and ceased it "HELP! ZATHENA!" He shouted with all the volume and noise he could manage, his voice hurt from the shout but he desperately needed Zathena's help.

Hearing Arran's voice crystal clear Zathena ran into the woods after him, she eventually came across Arran and the unknown xeno. The unknown xeno had instinctively used Arran to stop Zathena; she had forced him to the ground and in a perfect, easy position to kill him she had her claw behind poor Arran's head. The unknown xeno growled and screeched angrily at Zathena, she made a load of weird sounding noises. Arran realised this was the xeno language he was listening to, Zathena and the unknown xeno were both making these sorts of sounds to one another. Zathena then told Arran in his mind; she doesn't like us because she knows I bonded with you. She thinks you're an abomination of are species. She wants to kill me because I initiated the bond. Weighing up the situation in her head Zathena made her choice and lunged at the xenomorph; luckily Zathena grabbed the other xeno by her head and pulled her off Arran. The xeno fell to the ground while Zathena helped get Arran up, he then fell back behind Zathena and readied himself for the other xeno's retaliation.

The other xeno got back up quickly and ran straight at Zathena; the impact sent the two of them in an embrace right past Arran with speed. Arran suddenly fell to the ground in a fit of mental agony and pain, his head was coursing with noise and emotion, it was like the world's worst migraine. At that moment the vague noise became clear, like turning white noise into a beautiful crisp sounding melody. The sounds Arran heard were like two women having an escalated argument; one of the voices was Zathena's sweet but deep tone, the other was anyone's guess, it sounded older for a start. While Zathena's voice was sweet and young sounding like perhaps a woman in her 20s, the other xeno's voice was more like a woman in her 30s to 40s; it was also slightly more foreign in tone than Zathena's. They were shouting and yelling at each other in his head; Arran watched on for a second to assess the situation. The two xenos were clawing, biting and flinging each other around. Whenever one got the upper hand the other would just flip the other around and change the entire situation; so Arran moved quickly whilst Zathena had the advantage, he grabbed a tree branch that was quite thick and reasonably heavy. Rushing after them he caught up to them eventually and the other xeno just as he reached her drove its tail straight through Zathena's right leg, rendering Zathena in a state of shock. She let out the most vulnerable cry Arran had ever heard, this only made him extremely angry so he rushed at the creature branch at the ready above him. He smashed the branch over the unknown xeno's head and knocked it off of Zathena; he then shouted in a savage tone to the xeno, "Bring it you bitch!" The xeno got back up and ran at Arran, it latched onto his branch so he mustered all the strength he could and lifted the xeno over his head to crash it down on the other side of him. Then Arran gripped his branch again and smashed off the unknown xeno's head even harder than before. Then with one well-placed strike on the top of her dome he knocked her out of consciousness; he stood guard for a few seconds to make sure she wasn't going to get back up and then he went over to Zathena.

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