Chapter 13: The Annihilation

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Yesterday Arran had the best physical, emotional and psychological experience of his life, having two drop dead gorgeous, marvels of nature at his side was an amazing feeling. He may have been worried about the company but for now he was thoroughly enjoying his life, though he knew that within the next week or so he'd have to make plans. Early that morning after Arran departed from his two girls, he went downstairs to engage online, to try and find a way off world. Pulling out his very expensive work PC he then looked for off the books interspace travel, he knew there were holiday firms that offered that but they were mostly all owned by Weyland Yutani. It seemed every site he looked on was in the pocket of Weyland one way or another, finally he came across one that looked isolated enough. They were called 'Off-World Cargo Voyages', Arran didn't particularly like the fact that the site investors were mainly mafia members trying to thwart WY influence on the planet. But it seemed the best option simply because of its removal and isolated benefits from Weyland. Arran then thought smugly to himself, wow, Weyland will never find us there. We're as good as off this rock. I'd better start packing, and tell the girls the good news.

Arran bolted up the stairs to see the girls looking worried, they were also making rough and slightly garbled noises Arran didn't understand. He asked "What's, going on? Girls? Zathena? Leala?" They gave him not a shred of attention but instead became more afraid and scared; they started frantically whimpering and hissing to Arran. Not the faintest notion of a clue about what was going on crossed his mind, he went over to them and they backed away still nervous for some reason. Arran asked again more concerned for their wellbeing, "Girls, what's… What's going on? Tell me, please." Eventually Zathena whispered slowly in Arran's mind over and over again without fail; defend…the…Queen… Defend…the…Queen… Defend…the…Queen… Then Leala followed, now both telling Arran in a monotone voice almost in unison; defend…the…Queen… Defend…the…Queen… This confused moment forced Arran to come right up to them and try to snap them out of whatever trance they were in, "Zathena! Leala! Listen to me, wake up! Shit! Wake up!" At that moment they both collapsed onto the bed arms out spread wide across the deep red bed covers, Arran began lightly tapping their faces trying to snap them out of it.

Zathena was the first to come around and asked Arran in utter confusion; what the hell happened? Arran replied in roughly the same tone, "You were in some sort of trance uttering some stuff about 'defend the queen', over and over. Leala is still in that state, look!" Zathena came over across the bed to her, Arran told Zathena "Look, stay here. I'm gonna see if the news has something to say about this, I'll be right back." Arran rushed downstairs to his PC and pulled up a live news report about the company, he listened intently to the broadcast. 'We have identified what appears to be the Weyland Yutani Corporation bombing a series of mountains seventeen miles outside the colony border control gate. We are getting unconfirmed reports of strange creatures roaming through the forests in the immediate areas of the bombing site. The W.Y. has released an official statement and we shall play that to you now from our feed, "My name is Karl Bishop Weyland and let me assure you citizens, the area we are bombing was a rebel gang hiding several lethal weapons near one of my facilities. As such I this morning at 5am gave the order for a cleansing of the area, thank you for listening. I would advise citizens to stay indoors while we cleanse the surrounding towns and suburbs. We will be conducting several door to door checks over the next six hours so do not worry citizens, as always the WY company wants what is best for your safety and security." Well as you can see there, Weyland himself assures us for what he is doing is in our best interests. The BG-367 news team as ever fully supports W.Y. for the work they do to make our lives better; this is Jessica Hartman signing out, goodbye.' There was no time Arran had to get everything ready for the company's arrival; he went back upstairs and told Zathena, "Weyland attacked their complex, you know the one you saved me from. He's conducting door or door searches; we won't get to the space dock in time if we don't leave soon." Zathena asked worried; what about Leala, she's still unconscious and not recovering at all.

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