Chapter 9: Actions speak louder than words

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Zathena had barely escaped the guards when she heard a noise; it was another of Weyland's androids. She watched completely in shock and anxiety of whether it would see her, and then it turned its back to her. Now is my opportunity, she thought to herself, she carefully crawled up behind it not making the faintest tap or crunch noise on the twigs beneath her. Xenomorphs had a perfect silencing system, as she crawled her wet skin would form a layer of fluid between her claws and the ground making her sound entirely masked. She was now barely three feet from him; she readied her tail and then with all the force she could muster, drove it into the androids abdomen. The tail's sharp end punctured straight through the android's metal interiors and out the other side covered in white and blue fluid. Zathena pulled it around to face her and she hissed in a very aggressive tone, then she retracted her jaws and her inner mouth lunged forward and crunched its way straight through the machine's head. She then let it fall to the ground now no more than a pile of scrap metal. Zathena recovered from the encounter and began heading back to the swimming pool to see what she could find.

When she arrived however, there was nothing but a burning building in front of her, she felt her natural instincts making her afraid and frustrated. Then she went to the front entrance and found Anthony's body lying there with a hole in the middle of his forehead. He was obviously dead but who did it, Zathena then thought about Arran, what if they killed him too. Am I alone here, please no. He can't be dead, Arran… She felt as if she was going to burn up with the stress inside but then her senses smelt something, a faint pheromone of undeniable resemblance to Arran's scent of fear. She also smelt something else, a scent of memory and yet easily identifiable, it was the smell of Weyland. He did this; he shall, he shall pay with his life. And anyone who stands in my way. I'll save you Arran whatever it takes, I'll do it. Zathena let out a growl of anguish, fear and hatred but another emotion filled her mind, love, a strange emotion for a time like this but she was going after Weyland and would bring Arran back, whatever the cost. Her natural instincts began to take over, she felt much more hateful, and remorse was slipping away from her one bit at a time. Quickly she ran at full speed after the scent trails of both Weyland and Arran; she scaled buildings, jumped across streets and across country until she eventually came to the top of a massive mountain. Between her and another mountain about half the size, was a huge Weyland Yutani complex. Part military base and part network of science lab divisions, this place was enormous and Zathena had to somehow get Arran and herself out of here.

Zathena eyed up the place and found herself a nice way in; there were two metal blast doors either side of the compound. One was heavily guarded complete with auto turrets and constant patrols; the other was only guarded by three guys as it seemed a much more necessary door for transportation of various goods into the complex. Zathena climbed down nervous of the spotlights hounding the perimeter but she made it to the compound wall, she partially scaled the wall but remained out of sight. The dark night sky hid her body exceedingly well as she climbed up over the wall and down into the military part of the base. She hid in a small corner behind some ammunition crates as one guard after another being totally unaware and oblivious to her existence, not three feet from her, passed her position. Zathena was into a state of vengeance so questions of mortality, sympathy or empathy were gone for the time being. The next guard was walking past and she reached over the crates and before he could even react, she pulled him over the ammo and was choking him, she then grabbed his throat and pulled with her claws digging into him. The guard's throat then came apart in her hand; she had ripped his oesophagus, breathing airways and blood vessels from his body. The blood trailed down her as she was now in full killing mode, her body was tensed in anger, and she had every possible weapon at the ready and now with no emotional connection holding her back she let her hatred of humans fill her body.

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