Chapter 10: Run for your life

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The last thing Arran remembered was pain but that seemed like a distant memory as he awoke. At first he couldn't see a thing; he sat up and noticed metal panels all around him. He was surrounded by what was obviously an air duct so all he could do was to try and find a way out. Beginning to clamber he felt weak and crippled but he must press on; he found a hole ripped in the air duct so he went for it. Arran reached it and dropped down into the room he'd been tortured in; he looked around then heard a faint noise coming from outside his room. The noise became louder as he stood there; creeping in volume, then distinctive screeches filled his ears. It was the sound of xenomorphs; possibly hundreds of them, then along with that the whales, screams and yelling of many people. Then through the hole Zathena had ripped in the door he saw them outside staring at him, they seemed cautious and mildly scared of him. Arran simply froze in fear as they came into the room and surrounded him, then one of them hissed loudly and they left him alone. He was completely confused but he followed them out of the room, the horror outside was too much for him. Scientists, researchers, soldiers being massacred in droves; he just ran to try and find Zathena. Everywhere he looked people he used to know, friends even, were being ripped apart.

Eventually he found Zathena as she was trashing a lab with four other xenos, "Stop! Zathena, stop!" Arran yelled. Two xenos grabbed him; they pushed him to the ground and ran out of the room. Zathena came over to him and asked him, what is it? This filth must be removed from existence. Weyland Yutani must fall! Arran said angrily, "These people are innocent, what have they done to you? You think some hired hands are as bad as Karl himself, NO!" Then Arran weak from earlier fainted in front of her, she grabbed his arms and slung him over her back. She bolted for the exit and yelled to her sisters, get the Queen and get out! Zathena with Arran then left the chaos of the military base; she scaled the security wall of the compound and ran for the hills. Her sisters remained to finish off the soldiers and get the Queen out safely, as she ran she noticed a few giant praetorians clearing the wall and killing the soldiers. What have I unleashed? I must get us to safety. Zathena took Arran down the other side of the mountain to safety, she just kept running away but then it happened.

An enormous light filled the sky; it was yellow and white in base colour. The shockwave sent Zathena and Arran flying; the impact was like a small earthquake, the ground shook and dust filled the morning light. Arran! Where are you?! She yelled for Arran but could not see him, when the dust clearly a gigantic mushroom cloud filled the sky over the mountain. Arran was completely passed out so when Zathena found him he was blooded from the explosion but his heart rate and pheromones were normal. She picked him up, hissing at the mushroom cloud she ran. Several hours later she arrived at his house; she smashed a window and entered his home with him on her back. Gently she lay him down on a soft armchair and caressed him slowly, she crooned at him wishing he would awaken but he was out cold.

Later in the day around noon Arran awoke, his head, arms and legs were all aching in pain. Then Zathena rushed to him, she held him tightly as if they'd not embraced in years, oh Arran, your back, your finally back. You've been out for hours. She crooned at him softly and lovingly, she was so glad to have him back. Then she remembered the cloud and asked Arran, when I got you out of there, there was a strange cloud over the Weyland hive. It was like a mushroom in shape, what was that? Arran suddenly put his hands on her shoulders and said sounding terrified, "Did they see you? Did they see us leave?! I need to know!" She hadn't a clue why he was so worried but she told, no, I don't think so. I don't know, no. Arran replied sounding more in shock, "If they saw us they may kill us. They'll find us. Shit, they'll find us." What are you talking about? Zathena asked sounding confused, Arran responded with contempt, "The cleansing! They cleansed your siblings and Queen! Killed them! That mushroom cloud signifies a nuclear air strike, a massive explosion, one of the most devastating weapons mankind has ever created. Your siblings and Queen are dead, all of them!" At his words Zathena began shaking while also hissing loudly and anxiously. She couldn't believe they were dead and she watched it happen, why would Weyland do this? To you? His son. Arran cut her off, stating annoyed and sounding extremely angry, "He doesn't give a damn about me. Nor for you or your kind, he only cares about covering up his own little dirty mistakes. That piece of shit!"

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