T H R E E . T H R E E

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"How do you feel, my dear?" Melisandre approached her as she stepped down from her white horse and walked gracefully towards her, placing two kisses, one on each of her cheeks.
"As well as I might feel now, Melisa, but that's not what matters here," she smiled faintly, or at least tried to.

Melisandre needed no further words to know that Coriane was not going to speak, so she simply smiled as well and nodded, continuing on her way into the tower with her High Sectatores and Guardians behind her.

Coriane watched her mentor as she walked away from her, admiring the presence the Aqua commanded with every step she took. When Melisandre and her company disappeared from her sight, she turned to look at her own company. They were all dressed in greenish colors, beautiful leaves as decorations and ornaments, and they looked at her with understanding, ready smiles, Odeya and Krista stepping forward until they were only a few inches behind her, while Aren and Jensen followed a step behind.

"Ready? Isaac's being unbearable saying Lexa's being unbearable," Isadora sighed, rolling her eyes, reaching the spot where Terra and company were still standing.

Coriane looked at the woman and in her eyes she saw the support and loyalty that burned as brightly as the flame of the Eternal Fire behind hazel gaze. She knew that without words, Isadora was telling her that if she was ready, she would go with her and if she wasn't, she would run as far as possible with her and not look back for a second. They were all doing it, with every held breath waiting patiently for her answer.
Coriane smiled and nodded her head, trying not to let out that sigh that was pressing on her lungs.

"Let's go."


Close enough to the ceremonial circle to be in full view of all who were watching, the three Elementa stood watching the joining ceremony in critical, calculating silence.

On this occasion, the company of Astrid, Søren and Naga represented Coriane's power on earth.

"This will change everything," Dominic spoke on her left side.
"I know," Coriane nodded without looking directly at the man, her eyes never leaving Lexa and the Sky People. Marcus Kane was about to receive the mark of his Clan.
"It will change things with Azgeda."
"I know."
"It will change things in the Union."
"I know."
"It will change things for you."

Coriane didn't answer right away as she had with the other obvious questions, she stared at the hot metal burning the Skaikru symbol into Kane's skin, even from where she stood, she could hear the sound of the hot metal burning the skin, smell the burning of the flesh, hear Kane's almost imperceptible moans. Her senses were at their peak.

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