T W O . T W O

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"Terra," Jensen entered the Union Hall and walked over to where Coriane was sitting.

Behind him, other footsteps could be heard, but the girl did not take her eyes off the hand-carved drawing that decorated the centre of the table.
Once the brown-haired man was in front of her, he bowed slightly, giving Coriane a clue as to who her visitor was, since the man had put cordialities aside a long ago, when the two had become friends, brothers.

"Caeli came to see you," he announced once he stood up.

Coriane turned to meet his light blue eyes with parsimony. She hadn't been in the mood to talk to anyone since the day before. She had spent most of her time cooped up in the Temple of Tekara, and had only come out to go hunting with her animals, unaccompanied by any humans.

Aren, as a good second, had remained guarding the temple gates in the company of the Terrae Sectatores, including Odeya and Krista. Jensen was the only one of the Terran Guard who stayed behind, but that was more a personal decision than anything else.

While Coriane got along well with her entire group of Sectatores and guards, Odeya and Krista had been her friends long before they were her followers, Aren had also been her brother before he had become her second, and Jensen had become more like a brother over the years than a General of her Guard. So the four felt a personal obligation to accompany the girl in her darkest moments, even if it was from afar.

Coriane nodded, wordlessly telling the brown-haired man that he could leave. After nodding slightly, and wishing her luck with his eyes, the man withdrew, leaving the two Elementa alone with a lightly whispered prayer to Tekara.

"What are you doing here?" Coriane asked nonchalantly, still not looking at the man or even rising from her chair.
"I'm here to see my leader, of course," the man walked to his own chair and lay down in it, his eyes penetrating Coriane at all times.
"Aha, and how might I help Caeli? Please, do tell," she tilted her head as she looked at him at last.

There had been only twice, in all these years of sharing a duty together, when Eddard and Coriane had been alone in one place, and neither of the previous times had ended with hugs and smiles, so to speak.

"I suppose by now you are well aware of all that is happening, of the apparent new Skaikru civilization that has arrived. The Queen is uneasy, and I took the liberty of coming to see you myself, after all, you are the Commander's most trusted friend," the way he said her position next to Lexa with such disdain made her clench her fists under the table.
"And so you're here as the Queen's lapdog," she smiled with a closed mouth and obvious sarcasm.

Eddard took a deep breath, still, like Coriane, finding enough calm not to explode out there.

"Anyway, you can tell your Queen that I am not involved in anything to do with Skaikru matters anymore, it is not my duty to attend to that, and it is not yours either, Eddard," just as he had so often complained to her about her meddling too much in the affairs of the people, she was taking the same tone with him.
"But what do I see, where has the legendary Skaiheda, Earth's strongest warrior, heaven's divine gift ended," she laughed, shaking her head.
"Wasn't it you who always said that an Elementa couldn't be a Commander, that it was an insult to the spirits?"
"Don't make excuses, Coriane. This is about your brother, isn't it? You couldn't get rid of your feelings for that coward, that traitor. You'd better leave him for dead now, because-"
"That's enough!" She exclaimed, and the echo of her near-shout echoed through the hall.

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