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Terra sat on the outskirts of Tondc, in the forest, in the company of Astrid, Pax, and Kristina, a little wolf cub that had been born a few months ago, about Pax's age.

She watched with a small smile as the two puppies bothered the big ligeress while she was only trying to clean her paws, bloody from the recent dinner, but unable to do it in peace because of the two little ones who kept trying to play with her.

Coriane smiled warmly. Despite all the chaos around her, she still managed to find some peace around her element. The earth gave her a constant reason to smile and remember that in the animal world, everything was less complicated than in the human world.

Naga's hissing distracted her from the scene of Astrid trapping the cubs with her enormous paws, preventing them from running away. Coriane glanced to her side, and as she watched the snake climb up the log she was sitting on, she stretched out her arm to ease the mamba's path.
Coriane waited patiently until the snake had settled into her neck for the news.
She frowned after having received the message, and with her face completely changed from how it had been a few minutes ago, she rose from the log vehemently and turned around to return to the village.

Both the cubs and the liger felt the tension of the situation, and immediately stopped playing to follow their Terra.


"Oh-oh," Jensen muttered when he saw the brunette walking towards them with a serious face.

Aren and Krista turned at the same time, anticipating the storm that was about to hit. Odeya had been spared from it, being Terra's representative on Polis that day.

"We're leaving," Coriane huffed.

The three looked at each other with confused expressions. The girl had passed them through without much explanation.
Jensen and Krista looked at Aren, letting him know that it was his turn to go talk to the earthquake that had just walked by.

The man sighed, and closing his eyes for a moment, made his way towards Coriane's cabin while the other two went to get ready for whatever it was the Terra had planned.

"Mhhh," he cleared his throat as he entered after knocking on the open door three times. "Would you mind giving a bit of an explanation?"

Coriane sighed and turned around after finishing adjusting her fur coat.

"Naga saw that two Skaikru were leaving their camp," she commented as she sat down on the edge of her bed to tie her shoes.

Aren decided not to ask any more questions and simply nodded, understating that it was not the time to talk to her. He left the girl's cabin to go to his own and get ready to leave.

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