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When Bellamy woke up alone in the forest, for a moment he thought he had imagined it all, that the poison had made him pass out in the middle of nowhere all night, but seconds after opening his eyes and looking at the dawn, he remembered everything that had happened, how he had fallen asleep with Coriane's words and her hands in his hair.

He sighed deeply, running his hands over his face and, unable to help himself, through his hair.
There was no sign of Coriane or her animals anywhere, but a little voice in his head told him it was better this way. If he saw her again now, he didn't know whether he wanted to put a bullet in her head or shake her hand. That woman was the most complicated human being he had ever met.

Back at the camp, Clarke was the first to approach him. He tried not to roll his eyes or get annoyed with the blonde, she wasn't the one he was angry with after all, but she certainly wasn't the best person to dispel that frustration, but rather one that would only intensify it.

"Where were you?" Her bossy tone did exactly what was predicted.
"Resting," without waiting for the girl to say more, he began to walk away from her, Clarke at his heels.

Octavia joined in the questioning, and when he felt he was about to scream, he turned abruptly, making both girls stop in their tracks.

"It's Coriane."
"What?" They both asked at the same time, frowning.
"The grounder who looks more part animal than human. She's the one we have to convince, and if not; the one we have to kill. "


"I thought you said you'd be the first to correct this whole fiasco when the time came," Eddard claimed with frighteningly uncharacteristic calm.
"No. I said I would be the first to correct this whole fiasco if necessary. If the time came," she explained, with the same passive-aggressive calm as the Caeli.
"Bullshit," the man grumbled.
"Be careful, Eddard, you would not only be accusing me, but Tekara directly, he was the one who warned against intervening."
"Don't you think that instead of boycotting each other, we should be talking about more important matters like the Sacralis instead?" Melisandre interrupted the intense stares of the Terra and the Caeli.

The Sacralis.

The word took all of Coriane's attention, who immediately stopped looking at the man who made her patients run thick, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath and sigh to gather the calm she needed to continue.

The Sacralis were every object, place, and symbol that represented the 4 spirits. The most sacred symbols of their entire culture and those that the Elementa were given the honour of protecting.
Protecting those symbols was the most sacred and important purpose of an Elementa, and even though, irresponsibly, she had been diverting attention from them lately, Coriane knew full well that with the current situation, with those intruders who had no idea about their culture, the Sacralis were in great danger.

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