T H R E E . T W O

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"So, this is your plan," Coriane said, looking at the way Lexa was dressed.

The woman just nodded and dismissed the guards from the room. When it was just the two of them, Coriane sat down at the table with all sorts of fruit and picked up an apple.

"And how long will you be playing the helpless villager?" She took a bite of her apple, not taking her eyes off Lexa's reflection in the mirror.
"I'll decide that in time."
"Well, then, send me a message with Rezik when you're done. In the meantime, I think I want to take a walk on the beach, these days I've had the urge to swim and drown myself where no one can ever find me," playing with the fruit in her hand, she got up from the table and went to leave the room, but Lexa stopped her.
"I need you to stay here, there's a lot going on, Ann, I need you by my side."

Coriane was silent for a long time, chewing and thinking, chewing and analyzing. She sighed at the end, and after another bite of apple, she rolled her eyes and nodded.

"All right. I'll go downstairs and tell the group that our stay is extended, don't have too much fun down there without me, okay?" She raised an amused eyebrow.
"No promises," Lexa smiled.

With that, Coriane left the room. Outside, Sira and Kamara, the twin lionesses, were waiting for her. Astrid had stayed downstairs playing with Pax, as had Aren, Jensen and Krista.

"So? What happened?" Krista asked the second the three saw her approach.

Coriane sighed and tossed the remains of the apple to Pax, who happily ate it.

"Lexa is going to infiltrate the prisoners' cell, to spy on them, I think. She wants us to stay here, to be safer and to be aware of everything that's going on."
"Tell me, please, that we will be present for the bastard's execution," Jensen spoke, his light blue eyes filled with a fury she knew well.

Coriane smiled sideways and placed a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it lightly.

"And in the front row, brother."

That managed to bring a smile not only to his face, but to the other two standing next to him.

They were all furious, bloodthirsty. Even Odeya was begging for the blood of the one who brought misery to her people. And blood was what they must have. Blood was what Lexa had secured for Trikru.


"You two!" Coriane exclaimed, and immediately, the cubs stood still, like two children who had just been caught with their hands dirty. "What do you think you're doing?"

She walked over to the little wolves and took off the leather boots they were playing with.

"Huh, these aren't mine."

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