S I X . T H R E E

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Her eyes were threatening to close, it was taking her every little bit of strength to stay awake. She couldn't fall asleep, not with everything that had happened, not with Jensen badly hurt beside her. Because she knew that if she did, the nightmares of that moment would invade her dreams, and if anything happened to her friend while she was trying to fall asleep, she would blame herself for the rest of her life.

So she stayed awake, no matter how many times her head dropped or how heavy her eyes felt, until she saw Jensen awake herself, and well, she wouldn't sleep a wink.

For a moment she almost fell asleep, for a moment she stopped thinking and forgot absolutely everything, her brain emptied, she didn't even remember who she was or what she was doing in that tent, but Jensen's desperate cry woke her up in a jiffy and reminded her of everything she had forgotten for a second.

"Hey, hey, you're okay. Jensen, Jensen look at me, look at me, you're okay," her voice was hoarse from all the tiredness and all the crying and screaming she had done that afternoon, she reached out to the boy and cupped his face in her hands in a poor attempt to bring him back to reality.

By the time Jensen finally came to his senses, Isaac and Aren had already entered the tent with concern, and the felines resting near the two on the ground had already risen in extreme alertness.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." Apologized the boy in a voice so thin, that only Coriane was able to hear him.

Seeing Jensen so broken was causing her even more mortal pain than the whole situation was already giving her. He was the strongest of them all, the one with brute strength and double-edged swords in both hands. But deep down, Coriane knew him very well, deep down she knew that he was capable of loving like a little boy, of being scared of the dark and much more; scared of being alone.

"I didn't tell her, Ann, I never told her," those beautiful light blue eyes were looking at her with pure pain, bloodshot and crystallized with tears.

Coriane tried to hold back her own tears, licked her lips and prepared to speak, trying not to break her voice in the process.

"But she knew, Jen, she knew, and she loved you too."

Coriane had never loved, or well, if she had, she had already forgotten the feeling. She could count Isadora as her first love, but given all the circumstances, she could never have the chance to say that she knew all that love meant. At a point in her life she had though that Isadora was the very definition of the word, but it had all been so complicated, even before she disappeared, that she wasn't so sure of it anymore. But she did know how to identify it, how to see it, and how to know that it was in deed that kind of love. Because she grew up watching her parents love each other madly, because she felt the love her brother had put into her upbringing after they died. Because in connecting with Tekara, she had felt the love of the Forest Spirit for all its animals, all its nooks and crannies and branches and bushes, she herself had felt it in her skin, the love with which the forest envelops her in its leaves. And also, she had seen it in the eyes of Krista and Jensen, two of the most stubborn people she had ever met in her life had found refuge in each other's hearts, but as it came, it had gone, or rather, had been taken away.

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