O N E . T W O

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The Commander's Room was in stony silence. No one had said a word after Lexa had shouted all the ambassadors out.
Only Isaac, Aren, Krista, Jensen and Coriane remained.

"Why weren't you there?" Asked the blond, almost spitting the words.

Coriane looked up to see him with pure fire in her eyes. She tensed her jaw and raising an eyebrow, she spoke trying to remain calm.

"You are Skaiheda, or so you claim to be. But you still weren't there, you weren't there when your warriors went to give their lives!" This time, the boy did shout out, and tried to approach Coriane, but Aren, losing what little patience he had left, grabbed the boy by the fur coat, putting a knife to his neck.
"Be very careful how you speak to your Terra, because I swear on Tekara I will cut you to pieces if you disrespect her again," the boy spat through gritted teeth, inches from the blond's face.
"Beyond my duty as a Heda, I am Terra, and you should know that I will put nothing and no one else above that," the girl replied in a calm voice, placing a hand on Aren's shoulder to push him away.

The boy obeyed wordlessly, but he did not put his knife away, playing with it between his knuckles, the threat throbbing in the air. Jensen flexed his muscles as well, and Krista quite literally took an arrow out and put it in her bow so calmly it seemed she wasn't threatening to put an arrow on his face.

"No one will question your decisions, Terra," Lexa spoke just as calmly. The rage that had consumed her only minutes ago seemed to have dissipated. Or controlled, at least. "We haven't heard from Anya or any other survivors," she looked Coriane in the eye, as if bracing and preparing her for what she would say next. "Nor Lincoln."

Coriane held the air in her lungs. Of course there was no news of Lincoln. If that Skaikru hasn't affected his intelligence that much, he must be far, far away from Trikru territory by now.

"There's no need to state the obvious, is there, Coriane?" Lexa raised an eyebrow, staring at her.
"If you're implying that I don't know my brother is a traitor, you can suck it up, Lexa. I know," she spoke forcefully, the advantage of being Terra was that even if Lexa was offended by her tone and the way she spoke to her, she had no power over her. "I warned him myself, but he wouldn't listen."
"Good, I just wanted to confirm your loyalty."

Coriane tilted her head to one side and tensed her jaw again, looking at her friend with the same fire that had lingered in her eyes since the moment she let her brother and the Skaikru escape.

"My loyalty is to Tekara, to the Deum, and everyone here, the clans, and you, would do well to remember that."

Without even waiting to see the woman's reaction, Coriane turned around, being immediately followed by Aren and her two other companions, plus Astrid, Roscoe and Søren on either side.

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