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"Damn it!" Aren cursed as the pig they were stalking heard him and fled.
"I've never seen anyone so cleverly useless," Jensen laughed, mocking the chestnut.

They had been hunting in the woods for a few hours now, but to their bad luck, the animals were running away from them. Coriane could feel their nerves. Like humans, they too were nervous about the sudden arrival of the new invaders, much more so when they sensed Terra's restlessness. When their protector was uneasy, the forest was uneasy too.

"Can't you use your natural superpowers and get us food? At this rate, Aren's going to starve us to death," Krista complained.
"I'm having a bad day, okay?"

Coriane laughed at the little scuffle the redhead and the brown-haired man got into. She had been thinking about doing as suggested for a while now, but seeing her friends bickering as if the biggest problem they suffered from at the moment was hunting for food certainly brought her some peace and familiarity, two things she needed quite badly at the moment.
Seeing the opportunity to exercise and practice her gifts when Aren's head was threatened by a possible arrow from Krista, she concentrated as best she could in order to locate a living pulse, closed her eyes to listen to the forest as best she could, and opened her mind and senses to her surroundings.
Terras' senses were honed to the max when surrounded by their natural element, but they were incredibly difficult to use, taking years of practice to master their gifts. And, although Coriane still had a long way to go, fortunately it was not as long as expected. Having been the youngest Terra in history, and having connected with the earth from day one, her gifts had developed at an unusual speed, and even if sometimes it was more difficult than others, the forest listened to her and allowed her to hear it.

"I've got it," she opened her eyes when she sensed the presence of a deer nearby.

They all began to follow her, taking extra care not to step on anything that might scare the animals off.
A few yards away, a deer was eating in peace, oblivious to the group's arrival. Krista left no room for anyone else, as soon as they saw the deer, the girl readied her bow and prepared to shoot, concentrating her superb bow and arrow skills on getting that same arrow right into the chest of the target.

"Ha!" The red-haired girl boasted, mocking Aren with a glare.

The boy rolled his eyes as the other four laughed and accompanied Krista's taunts. After a hiss from her mistress, Astrid lunged at the deer to deliver the final blow.

"It's not fair, you control the forest," Aren complained.
"Technically; not completely yet," she laughed, approaching the deer and kneeling before it.

Coriane took out the arrow and put her hands in the deer, caressing its fur with a smile.

"Thank you, my friend, may Tekara receive you in his endless paradise with open hands, and the earth to carry your spirit in its grounds."

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