Dark Past (Midway)

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Pushpa Ji assured Karishma that she won't have to worry about the driver she will do something to kick him out of his job that's what all a caretaker could do at that time.

She secretly took Nandita's engagement ring and slid it down on Ujwal the demon driver's backpack. Of course, it was a very precious ring and because it was lost there was a complete disorder in the house, all the corners all the shelves and all the staff present in the house went under checking and guess what Ujwal was caught red-handed.

He was immediately arrested and by the time he was taken by the police, he looked at Karishma who was peeking from behind the wall of her room. He glared at her and smiled evilly, his eyes stated "I know you've done it and I will be back to teach you a lesson."

Karishma had chills down her spine, the evil who had become her nightmare would come back again. She was fucking creeped out and sleep used to be far from her eyes at night. That evil smile of Ujwal was so traumatizing for the poor kid that she had started hallucinating him with that smile fucking everywhere in the dark.

The trauma had made the kid quieter and quieter and even more alone, she didn't use to talk to anyone except her Amaa. But she didn't know till when Amaa is gonna live with her as she was now a grown-up and Nandita and Ashok were planning to bid farewell to Pushpa ji.

Time passed...
But Karishma's trauma stayed there only... it has been four years since that incident, Karishma was now a fourteen-year-old teenager but there was no improvement in her mental health.  However she had found a hobby to keep herself busy, she started sketching and painting but she never allowed anyone to see her sketches and paintings, not even Pushpa Ji.

Why? Because those sketches and paintings held something very dark and grey in them, of course, it is obvious that a child who's longing for love from the start the, kid who never wished for anyone's bad was served with most cruel wounds and that too in such a young age.

The so-called society had snatched all the colours from Karishma's beautiful imaginative world and she was just left with the colour black which also somewhere reflected her life.

The psychopathic behaviour was somewhere reflected in Karishma but there was no observer for the miserable child.

When one day an old man entered Karishma's house as he entered from the main door,  Karishma who was standing midway through the Hall felt her environment changing she felt as if all the lights had turned off and only red dim lights were lightened up, the old man who was coming inside had turned into a big evil demon having thorns and with a crooked smile he was looking at her and there was a chanting going in the atmosphere "COME KARISHMA SERVE YOURSELF TO THE EVIL" Poor Karishma who was by the time shivering just closed her eyes and shouted on top of her lungs, "NO I WON'T NO NO NOOOO"

Karishmaaa!!!  Nandita shouted and a shivering Karishma opened her eyes, everything in the environment was back to normal she looked here and there and was clueless that what happened when suddenly Nandita uttered in a chided tone, what's wrong with you? Don't you have ears or what, iti der se bularhe hai hum tumhe.

But Karishma, was lost in her own world, Ashok observed this and was about to scold Karishma when the arrived guest mumbled, Acha toh yeah hai Karishma beti, he said with a divine smile while looking towards Karishma. Beta, Mujhe pehchanti ho? He asked sweetly. While Karishma just looked towards her parents because it was for the first time when someone was asking her this and also someone knew that she is also a member of the Singh Mansion.

When Ashok said, Karishma yeah hai Shri Alok Nath Ji yeah tumhare dada ke dost aur mere guru hai. Whatever I'm today is all because of him. After your grandfather's death I was completely shattered when he held my hand and made me reach this destination, he is everything to me and from now to you as well.

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