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As time passed after their parents found out and news spread that they mated they had spent the last two weeks together, never leaving each other's side. Now they were in the forest, sitting on the ground. Vara had brought Azula out for a "second date." Azula found it amusing considering recent events.

"You happy were finally having out second date?" Vara mused.

"Definitely. Especially since," He paused. "Recent events" Azula chuckled as he laid down on his side, propping himself up with his elbow. Vara chuckled and leaned down. As their lips brushed, Vara stopped. Her ears twitched as she looked around, her and Azula's face still centimeters apart.

"What?" Azula questioned, glancing between Vara's eyes and lips. "You didn't hear that? Someone's talking." Vara sat back up. "People talk all the time. I don't understand what's different about it this time." A confused look placed itself on Azula's face.

"I recognize the voice." Vara stated as she grabbed Azula's arm and started running, dragging him. "Vara hold up, you're too fast." Azula shouted, trying not to fall on rocks.

Vara kept running until she came up to an opening and stood behind a tree. Azula stopped behind her as she pulled him behind the tree. Azula placed his hands on his knees as he bent over, out of breath. "How are you faster than me?" Azula breathed out. "Shut up." Vara put a hand up to his mouth, covering it. He pulled her hand off of his mouth quickly and took a deep breath, shooting her a look. "Look." Vara said pulling his head to the side of the tree, letting him peek out.

This time Azula covered his own mouth as he let out a small gasp, his eyes widening. Azula pulled his head back behind the tree, "What was that. Why wouldn't he tell me?" Azula questioned. "Why wouldn't she tell me? She's my best friend." Vara replied, peeking her head back around the tree with Azula following.

Azula had just entered his pod, spotting Lo'ak sitting at the table. "Hey baby bro." He greeted. "Hey, Azula." Lo'ak replied. Azula grabbed a piece of fruit and sat down next to his brother.

"So, I see you got yourself a girl." Azula stated blankly. Lo'ak widened his eyes as he started to mutter, "Wha what. How do you know." Lo'ak managed to speak. "I saw you and Tsireya kissing by the shore. Me and Vara were standing behind one of the trees." Azula replied as he took a bite of his fruit. "Vara was there too?" Lo'ak questioned. "Yeah, but you guys ruined our second date with your lip smacking." Azula spoke as he stood up, throwing away the core of his fruit.

"Second date? I think you two are way past the second date." Lo'ak shot Azula a dirty look. "Hey how many dates have you had with Tsireya?" Azula questioned, leaning against the wall of the pod. Lo'ak whispered something, not loud enough for Azula to hear. "What was that?" Azula questioned as he put his hand up to his ear. "One." Lo'ak spoke louder. "Well, I think you two are way past the first date." Azula mocked Lo'ak.

"Who's way past the first date?" Neteyam questioned as he came into the pod. "Lo'ak here has himself a girlfriend." Azula stated as he moved over to Lo'ak and shook his shoulders. "Oh and what makes you say that their way past the first date?" Neteyam questioned. "Well while me and Vara were out on a date-"

-a second date may I add." Lo'ak chimed in. "Only second date hmmm Azula." Neteyam mused. "Thats not what were talking about." Azula dismissed Lo'ak attempt to change the subject over to him. "While me and Vara were out on our date we happened to come across Lo'ak and Tsireya lip smacking." Azula chuckled.

"Well seems like I'm all alone here." Neteyam rolled his eyes. Azula walked over in his direction, "Don't worry bro, you'll get someone. Eventually." Azula taunted as he walked out of the pod.

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