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Azula walked in to his family's hut, it had just turned completely dark outside except for the light that the ocean gave off. He walked in with a smile on his face.

"Hey what are you so happy about?" Azula heard a voice echo in his ear.

"Neteyam? What are you doing up?" Azula questioned as he look up at his younger brother.

"Couldn't sleep. Now tell me what's got you smiling like that?"

"Nothing I'm just happy." Azula stated as he started to walk to his room.

"No, I've seen you happy. This is different is their someone special I should know about?"

Azula smiled to himself, "no not that I know of."

"Yes there is, I saw that smile. Come on tell me." Neteyam stated as he patted next to him on the bench he was sitting on.

"Fine, but you can't tell anyone. You hear me." Azula stated sternly as he sat down.

"Okay got you. Now tell me. Is it a girl?"

"Maybe, her names Vara and she's amazing."

"Vara? The girl that helped us with training a couple weeks ago?"


"Where has she been?"

"Well she was kinda avoiding me."

"What why? Does she not feel the same way or something?"

"No you skxawng. She was avoiding me because she felt the same way. She was scared."

"Ohh okay. Well what happened between you two tonight to have you like this?"

"Well the past two weeks she's been avoid me because one night we went out on a date and I maybe kinda kissed her."

"What, you already got a kiss from a girl."

"Yeah, im just better than all y'all." Azula stated as a proud look spread across his face.

Neteyam smacked his arm and scoffed, "then why was she avoiding you."

"I already told you she was avoiding me because she was scared but back to your original question. Tonight she told me she felt the same way and explained why she was avoiding me and then we kissed again. Oh my eywa Neteyam it's the best." Azula smiled widely as he tilted his head back.

"You seem to really like her."

"Oh I do. She's so perfect the only thing is," Azula stopped.

"What, the only thing is what?" Neteyam said eagerly.

"She has this sarcastic humor that sometimes scares me. I don't always understand that she doesn't mean it."

"Well you just don't got a sense of humor bro."

"Yes I do. I'm the funniest person in the family."

"We all know that's Lo'ak with his dumb jokes."

"Whatever, im going to bed." Azula stated as he got up from the bench and started to walk to his room.

"Hey bro, im happy for you." Neteyam stated as he smiled at Azula.

"Thank you." Azula stated as he sent a smile back to Neteyam.

Authors note-

I kinda hate this chapter but I really wanna include a lot stuff with the sully family and Vara's friends in this fic.

I got a question for y'all, do you like when it's convos or would you rather there be less convos between the characters. Let me know in the comments pls.

If you liked this chapter pls vote and comment <33

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