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Vara got up and went into her pod to put on something for her date with Azula. She grabbed her best top which happened to be a pink shell top with a matching necklace and bracelet.

She put up her hair half up and half down with two braids. She put a couple beads and accessories in her hair and went back to the shore.

As she was walking she saw that Azula was already waiting for her, staring into the ocean. She walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

Azula turned around and looked down at her, him being slightly taller than her. He inspected every feature on her. Especially her new hairstyle.

He grabbed a piece of her hair, that was hanging infront of her face, between his fingers and gazed at it, "I like it." He said as he switched his gaze to make eye contact with her.

"Thank you." Vara said as she tilted her head down to cover the blush that coated her cheeks.

"Shall we go?" Azula said as he reached out his hand for her to take.

Vara shook her head as she grasped Azula's hand. He led her to the water, where Azula called his ilu.

"Does she have a name?" Vara questioned Azula as she rubbed his ilu's head.

"Blossom." Azula replied as he gazed at Vara.

"Wow, you picked the most basic name." Vara said as she rolled her eyes and stifled a laugh.

"Well what's your ilu's name?"


"And your calling mine basic." Azula said as he got onto his ilus back. "Get on." Azula continued.

Vara positioned herself onto his ilu and snaked her hands around his waist. He was warm.

Azula told his ilu to go through the bond. They sped off into the ocean.

"Where are you taking me?" Vara questioned.

"You'll see." Azula said taking a slight look back at Vara, who had her head on his shoulder.

Azula told his ilu to stop as they got to an island. He got off as he reached his hand out to Vara, who took it without hesitation.

"Have you been here before?" Azula asked as they started to walk further into the island.

"Yes you skxawng, I've been everywhere basically." Vara said as she smacked his arm lightly.

"Well maybe since you've been here before, you can show me around." Azula replied.

"Only if I get to pick our next date." Vara said confidently.

"There's going to be a second date?" Azula said as he stopped in his tracks and turned to face Vara.

"So, this is a date?" Vara said as she turned to gaze at Azula.

"I mean for me it is..is it for you?" Azula questioned.

"I think so. So can I pick the next date?" Vara said as she tilted her head and made doe eyes at him.

"Uh" Azula froze, Vara tilting her head like that and her eyes did something to him. It felt like an explosion in his stomach but he didn't seem to mind.

"So?" Vara said waking him out of his trance.

"Oh, yea. Totally." Azula said as he shook his head slightly.

𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐉𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐃𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐇𝐒 || 𝘈𝘷𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘳 {slow updates}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin