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The four Sully's that were in the forest started to back away as silently as they could without the avatars noticing. As they got further into the forest, Kiri heard as scream come from her little sister who was in front of her. An avatar jumped out from the bushes as others started to follow.

Just as quick as they noticed what was going on, the avatars had grabbed each kid by their braid and knocked the three older ones down to their knees, holding everyone at gunpoint. Quaritch was one of the avatars. "What do we have here?" He said as he was walking over to Lo'ak as Kiri's hands were extended showcasing her four fingers. "Look, Colonel. Check it out. We got a half-hybrid."

Quaritch walked over to Kiri and brought up a knife to her neck. As the other kids saw this unfolding they started to protest, " kehe! Ruxte," with Lo'ak being the loudest.

Quaritch heard Lo'ak's loud protests and walked over to him while looking directly at him, "Show me your fingers."

He brought up his hands, show casing his middle fingers. Quaritch chuckled, "Your his, aren't you." He hissed at the man with his tail swaying with aggravation. His siblings followed his motions.

Quaritch took a hold of Lo'ak's queue, bringing him up to his feet. "Your his alright."

"Where is he?" Huh?" Quaritch asked referring to their father.

Lo'ak replied in Navi, "sorry, I don't speak english with buttholes." In response Quaritch tightened his grip on Lo'ak's queue. He asked once again where his father was in broken Navi.

Lo'ak attempted to hiss at the man again but was cut of by a grip tightening on his queue. "You really want to play this game, huh?"

Quaritch walked over to Kiri determined but was cut off by shouts once again with the human kid, Spider being the loudest. So, Quaritch raised his eyebrow, waving to the man to release the boy. "what's your name, kid?"

"Spider," the boy answered, "Socorro."

Kiri saw the realization on Quaritch's face as he spoke to the boy, "Miles?" he said as he raised his eyebrows. "I figured they sent you back to earth." Spider scoffed at the man's comment, "You can't put babies in cyro." he said as he ended his sentence with cursing at the man.

Quaritch stood in silence for a moment not moving his line of sight away from Spider. He gestured to the man behind the kid to grab onto the boy once again as he reached for the com on his neck, "Iron Sky, Blue on Actual. We are standing by for exact. over. Be advised. We're bring in high value prisoners."

The kids protested as they were brought to their feet. All the kids could do was hope that their parents and their brothers would get here in time to save them before they got taken away to be "High valued prisoners."


488 words


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