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Vara had just woken up as she raised her head off of Azula's chest. She sat up as she wiped her eyes, adjusting to the light. She started to fix her hair; it being tangled slightly from sleeping on the ground. As she continued to fix her hair she started to feel a sense of being watched, a burning gaze in the back of her head.

She turned around to see Azula sat up on his elbows, watching her intently. "Do you need something?" Vara questioned.

"No, I think I'm good here." Azula replied as he tilted his head to the side. Vara smiled as she turned around and planted a kiss on his lips. Azula smiled against her lips as he reached to cup her face. Vara pulled away, "Do you think we should go back to the village?" Azula questioned.

"In a little bit, I just need to finish my hair." Vara replied as she sat back up and continued fixing her hair, "Are you gonna keep staring at me?" She continued. "Yeah I think I will. You look beautiful." Azula smirked.

"Thank you." Vara whispered as she finished her hair. She grabbed Azula's hand and brought him up with her. She intertwined their fingers as they started to walk, leading him out of the woods.

As they got out of the trees, they saw five figures running towards them. "Where have you two been, we've been looking for you all night." Vara heard Ronal's voice as she released her grip on Azula's hand. Vara's smile dropped as she saw them getting closer, "Are you okay?" Ronal asked as she grabbed Vara by the shoulders and inspected her. "Were fine." Vara responded.

"Azula where have you been, we've been worried." Neytiri questioned. "Sorry, I didn't plan to be out all night." Azula responded.

Aonung came out from behind Ronal and Tonowari and walked up to Azula, "what did you do? why was she with you all night?" Aonung asked as he got closer to Azula. Azula raised his hands in defense as Aonung got even closer. Aonung put his hands out and pushed Azula to the ground. Azula's eyes widened as his back hit the ground, "Aonung, Aonung, stop!" Vara got in between Aonung and Azula.

Aonung looked at Vara as realization spread across his face, "you mated with him?" Aonung said as he pointed towards Azula. Vara's eyes widened, "what, how did you know." She said just barely being able to be heard.

"Is this true?" Ronal stepped towards Vara as Azula got up and dusted himself off, moving towards Vara. "yes." Vara said as she looked up at Ronal.

"But you were mean't for my son, not theirs." Ronal stated as she pointed to Neytiri and Jake. "What, why didn't you tell me?" Azula questioned as he looked towards Vara.

"It doesn't matter, I love him. It is done." Vara stated as she stood up straight, proud. As those words left Vara's mouth, Ronal snarled towards Vara and Azula.

Azula looked towards his parents as he saw a small smile on his mother's face. He sent her a small smile back. Azula looked back at Ronal and Tonowari as they started to walk away, not another word being spoken.

Azula gazed at Vara as he saw that she was on the verge of tears. He stepped closer and put his arm around her shoulders, pulling her in for a hug. "I hope I didn't lose them." Vara spoke into Azula's chest. "I'm sure that everything will be okay." Azula soothed Vara.

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