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As it started to rain, it was now completely dark as Neytiri, Jake, Azula, and Neteyam landed on a branch in a tree, on their ikrans. As they hoped off Jake turned to Neteyam, "Stay with the Ikrans." Neteyam protested against his father, "Dad, I supposed to be a warrior like you." Jake shook his head, "Its too dangerous, Stay Here!"

Neteyam looked at his older brother, hoping he would disagree with their father but instead was meet with a nod and sympathetic look. All Neteyam could do was sigh and turn around to tend to the Ikran as his parents and older brother ran to get his siblings.

But he couldn't just stand around so he ran and followed them into the forest.

Neytiri was in a tree where nobody could see her. She made a yipping sound from behind the tree.

The kids ears perked up and they immediately knew it was their mother there, which meant their father was somewhere in the forest too, most likely with their oldest brother.

Neytiri but a arrow into her bow that she was firmly grasping and started to aim at one of the avatars. She left go of the arrow and it landed right where she was aiming at, in the avatar's eye.

Neteyam who was in the bushes aimed his bow at another avatar and shoot but this time someone noticed and as Neteyam started to aim his other arrow, they started to shoot but before he could get hit someone tackled him. He started to fight but then heard his older brother's voice, "It's me. Teyam. It's me!"

Once Neteyam realized it was his older brother he immediately let down his guard and leaned into him, placing his hand on his chest. Azula put his hand on his brother's head and brought it to his chest and Neteyam's other hand was put on top of his hand.

Azula put his hands on his brother's shoulders, "What are you doing here, Dad told you to stay put!" Neteyam looked down in defeat, "I just wanted to help, be like you." Azula sighed and placed his hand on Neteyam's back, "Just make sure their out safe."

Azula screamed their siblings names, pushing Neteyam out of the way as he ran behind an avatar and grabbed a gas canister that was strapped along his waist.

Lo'ak, Kiri, Tuk followed his actions and pulled the gas canisters from other avatar's waists and gripped their arms, baring their teeth into them.

Azula grabbed Tuk and Lo'ak while Spider and Kiri ran away together. Azula then ran to where Neteyam was and gave Lo'ak and Tuk to him as he said, "GO find dad! I'm going to find Kiri." Neteyam nodded at his brother's words and ran the opposite direction.

Azula started running trying to find his sister but slid across the ground. As he fell a tree branch came crashing down onto him, landing on his leg. He tried to get out but with every attempt the pain got worse, by the time he couldn't pull anymore his leg was turning a darker color than his other leg and the pain his doubled. All he could do was hope one of his parents found Kiri and that they would eventually find him.


547 words


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