I hummed as I pecked his lips, both of our faces remained in each others hands, our tears creating puddles in the spaces were our skin met.

I rested my forehead on his as I held my eyes shut, hoping that logic would take over and win the argument against his terribly convincing speech. "I want to be logical right now but I can't be. You're so right that I can't think of anything else."

"I know I'm right, so just say yes."

I chuckled lightly as my head pounded with thoughts of Kai. I've spent the last five months of my life almost with only Kai and in his house. I came here before I barely even knew him and we've saved each other from more shit than happens to most people in ten years.

"What if I'm your everything right now but nothing in ten years?"

"It's not possible, Moon. If you're nothing than I don't even have a word. I can't exist without you—I won't. I told you, the sea needs the Moon."

I stared at him through my eyebrows, our matching set of red eyes and clumped eyelashes did not help my decision. "I would've put clothes on if I knew I'd be getting engaged—"

"Yes! Fuck! Yes!"

I laughed as he pulled me onto his front, his body fell backward as he landed on the ground below us. "Are you ok?!" I laughed as he was obviously still peppering kisses across my entire face.

"You're going to marry me! You're going to fucking marry me?!"

"I'm going to marry you, Kai."

I stared down at the out of breath, and unrealistically happy man below me. "Nothing about our relationship is logical...not even how much we love each other. I don't believe that we will love each other the same way twenty years from now but we won't be the same people twenty years from now either. We have to grow as people and I wouldn't want to grow with anybody else but you and I know that's not going to change no matter how much I do."

He squeezed me tighter, his beautiful brown eyes almost looked like hearts as they stared up into mine. "I love you, Moon. I can't put into words how much I love you but I promise I will spend the rest of my life showing you."

I hummed before I pecked the tip of his nose. "I know."


I do not think that this was a realistic decision that we made, but I don't think a lot of the things that have happened to us have been realistic. Despite that, I do believe that we have thought it through—for the most part.

The only problem, Kai has realized how little we actually knew about each other, or rather, he knew about me.

"When the fuck is your birthday?"

I hummed as I rolled onto my back. "I never told you?"

"No, Moon. That's why I asked."

I rolled my eyes as I stared up at the ceiling. "Ok smarty pants. My birthday is November 6th."


My eyes widened as I stared up at Kai who was now standing on the bed, his entire expression expanded in shock. "What!?" I screamed back.

"I missed your fucking birthday! I was actually being a huge asshole on your fucking birthday and I didn't even buy you a fucking gift!"

I sighed as I tugged on the bottom of his sweatpants. "Sit down, Kai."

He took a deep breath before he plopped down onto the comforter. "It's not a big deal. It was just my birthday, I don't celebrate my birthday anyways."

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