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October 22nd

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October 22nd

We were only fifteen minutes late but it was fine because at that point people were still arriving.

"You ok?" I looked down at Celestia as I helped her out of the car.

She glared at me as her hand slid up my arm and looped around my elbow. "I'm fine, I just miss my ability to walk on my own." She whispered, her eyes slightly scanning around for anybody who could've heard her.

I chuckled as I pressed my lips onto her temple and slammed the car door shut. I leaned down next to her ear, her grip tightening around my arm. "And I miss the way you taste."

"Shut up." She grumbled as I kissed her cheek.

"Whatever you want, Moonie. You ready?" I spoke as I guided her toward the valet.

"As I'll ever be." She sighed. "Does my hair look ok?" She looked up at me with sparkles and worry in her eyes.

"You look perfect, Moon. Nobody could look better than you if they tried and trust me, they will try."

I handed my keys off to the Valet along with two twenties to ensure he doesn't take my car and ride around while I'm inside.

I held one side of Moonie's dress as we stepped up the stairs and toward the entrance.

I felt the burning stares as I entered the building with Moonie on my arm and by the way she tightened her grip, I could tell she felt them too.

"I knew that would be the perfect dress for you."

We both turned to see Aurua as she continued to approach us. "You look gorgeous, Celestia." Aurua wrapped her arms under Moonie's as she leaned forward to hug her. Moonie accepted the hug by wrapping her free arm around Aurua, her other arm remaining wrapped around mine.

"Thank you, Aurua. You look beautiful too." She hummed as they pulled apart and Moonie retreated back to my side.

"Thanks. Jax and I are matching. I unfortunately don't have a gorgeous man to match with, just my brother." She rolled her eyes slightly as she let out a deep breath. "Kai, you should've put on a suit sooner. You look good."

I rolled my eyes as I looked away from her. "Fuck off. I didn't have a reason to wear a suit."

"You don't think your own event where you earn millions in a night is worthy of you wearing a suit?"

"No." I replied plainly and she sighed.

Moonie between Aurua and I with confusion in her eyes. "What'd you wear before?" She questioned.

I hesitated to tell her what I used to wear, the fear that Aurua would tell her why, burning in my throat. "Jeans and a polo shirt."

She looked up at me as her smile widened. "That's it? What'd you wear a suit for now?"

I clicked my teeth as I felt my cheeks heat up. "Because you said I'd look good in one." I murmured into the air away from her.

"What?" She spoke playfully as she leaned into mean. "I didn't hear you, Kai. Tell me again." Her voice cracked as she struggled to hold in her laughs.

"Because you said I'd look good in a suit! Damn.."

She laughed as she pulled on my arm and forced me to be in front of her. Her fingers wrapped around my jaw as she forced me to look down at her bright smile and even brighter eyes. "I'm sorry, Kai," she continued to laugh through her 'apology' "I just wanted to hear you say it again but I was right; you do look good in a suit."

I pretended to roll my eyes as I tried to force my smile away from my blushed face.

"Shit, Cel. You made him turn as red as a tomato."

I ignored Aurua as Celestia pulled my face down toward hers.

"I'm sorry." She murmured as she pecked my lips. "You forgive me right?" She repeated her actions, this time her hands cupping my face.

I never thought I'd be swooning for a woman in private let alone at a public event where I'm the main attraction.

"Yea, whatever." I grumbled as I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her body closer to mine. I pressed a kiss into her neck, taking my chance to inhale her scent. "You smell so good." I groaned into her ear.

"Stop it." She chuckled as she brushed her nails across the back of my neck. "I want to see your art now. That's what we came here for right?"

I sighed as I let her go, Aurua gulping down her third flute of champagne just in the span of Moonie and I's hug.

"Yea but that means I'd have to talk to other people too," I glanced around the venue, my heart slowing as I searched for Gillian or even Evan. "I also have to look for my...manager."

"I have to pee so, you do that and I'll be right back okay? I want you to show me everything when I come back." She brushed her hand across my cheek as she walked off, my eyes following her every step.

"I thought you guys were just friends."

I glanced down at Aurua as she stuffed an hors d'oeuvre into her mouth. "We are."

"You are like the stupidest fuck I've ever met,"

I scoffed as I stuffed my hands in my pockets.

"You obviously aren't 'just friends'. Nobody is stupid enough to believe that and neither should you two. Just marry her for fucks sake."

"Why would I marry her, Aurua. I haven't even asked her out yet. Let alone taken her on a proper date." I ran my tongue across my bottom lip as I continued to scan the room for Gillian.

"Who gives a fuck. We both saw her legs shaking and it's not that cold outside, so consider that a date and ask her out. I mean shit, if a man ever made my legs shake like that—fuck if a man made me cum at all, I wouldn't even talk back."

I looked down at the tiny blonde as she hummed to a song in her head as if she didn't just cuss me out for not dating Moonie. "I don't want her to be with me. You know that."

"If this wasn't your event, I would slap the fuck out of you. Who the fuck else is she supposed to be with, Kai? You know you'd crumble if she even laughed at another man's joke," she sighed as she clicked in front of me, her hands rapping around the front of my suit jacket as she pulled me down slightly. "I get that you're scared and you have all this trauma that you won't talk about but don't let that ruin your chance of finally being ok—of finally feeling something."

She forced me to stare into her crystal-blue eyes as they flickered between mine. "Everyone sees how she looks at you, she's not going to hurt you Kai. And you definitely won't hurt her. Okay?"

Though I've known Jax longer than I've known Aurua, and she keeps her distance most of the time, I'd say that if I had to choose between the two siblings...I'd choose her. She doesn't lie to me and she's never fed my false realities or bad habits. She's just listened, even when nobody thought she was. I trust her.


She offered me a toothless smile as she released her hold on my suit and took a step back. "Now let's go find Cel and tell her how we feel yea?"

I chuckled as I nodded down at her. "Let's go—" my eyes wondered off to the crowd of people gathering on the opposite end of the building.

My heart dropped as my stomach tightened. That bad feeling when I didn't know where Moonie was rushing over me once again. "What's over there?" I glanced down at Aurua who was also looking in the direction of the commotion.

"...the bathroom."

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