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November 3rd

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November 3rd

I woke up with this knot in my stomach. I had no clue why—Celestia was in my arms, Needy was curled up at our feet, and the house was quiet. There was no reason for my stomach to be tied up so tightly.

I checked my phone, the screen only showing notifications from newspaper apps and insta messages from fans and promoters, nothing that would make me feel so uneasy.

I got up, without waking the sleeping cat or Moonie, and made the two of them breakfast. Needy's bowl filled with salmon, peas, and his vitamins, while I carried Celestias strawberry muffin, eggs, waffles and mangoes up to the room.

Nobody interrupted us while she ate, no messages from Aurua or Rose either. There was nothing wrong but my stomach remained knotted.

"Moon?" I questioned hesitantly. My arms tightened around her waist as I rested my chin on her shoulder.

She hummed as she turned her head to the side slightly, attempting to see what I was doing, maybe understand the hesitation in my voice through my expression. "Does something feel...wrong...to you?"

She held her hand over her mouth as if I could see what was in there anyways. "Like what?" She spoke, her voice muffled as she continued chewing.

"I don't know. Something just feels wrong."

She patted the side of my cheek as she swallowed lightly. "Are you hungry? Do you want some of this muffin? I haven't eaten any yet." I stared at her hand as she raised the muffin to my mouth.

I hummed as I leaned forward and bit the side of the muffin, crumbs falling down into her lap. "Sorry." I mumbled.

She shook her head as she bit into the same spot I did, her body rocking slightly in my lap as she hummed happily. "It's just a little bit of crumbs, I'll clean them later."

Maybe I was hungry...or maybe she's just really good at distracting me.

I kissed the side of her neck as her left-out curls brushed against my forehead. "We should get married." I mumbled against her skin, my words soaking through her warm body.

Her body vibrated as she laughed. "We aren't even technically dating, why would we get married?"

"What's the point of waiting if I'm going to marry you anyways?" I whispered as I closed my eyes against the back of her head, her soft scent soothing the continued gnawing feeling in my stomach. "I'll even get you pregnant tonight if that makes you—"

"Kai!" She laughed, her hand wrapping around as her fingers locked onto clumps of my hair. "I was just talking last night. We aren't getting married and we aren't having kids." Her laugh died down into soft chuckles.

"Why not? You don't want to marry me now?" I teased as I held her closer, my brows furrowing as my stomach tightened.

"That's not what I meant. I just meant—"

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