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August 16th

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August 16th

I doubt it's been more than two minutes but it feels like it's been forever. Neither of them are going to give up, I know that. At least not without my interference.

I know that if I go with my mother and I hit my head again, I'm going to die and there's nothing anybody can do. But I can't allow Kai to stand the chance of possibly being degraded by my mother because he won't let me leave and she's too much of a narcissist to care. "Kai-"

"No. You're not going with her, Moonie." I stared up at him, his eyes filled with fury as his palms rested firmly against my shoulders. "I'm taking you home. Is that ok?" His eyes flickered between mine and I felt frozen under his gaze. His tone was strong and his words were sturdy. His demeanor was so strong that I couldn't do anything but agree with him.

"Celestia! You can't just go with a stranger".

"He's not a stranger, ma. He's my friend." Her chest puffed up as she looked between the two of us, unable to get any of her rage fueled words out. "I'm leaving now, mom. I'll see you when I get home."

She didn't say anything else and let us leave. I know it's because she didn't want to further embarrass herself or risk ruining her image of being a good mother; even if no one thinks that of her anyways.

The ride was bumpy and my head threatened to topple off my shoulders each time we sped up or hit the smallest rock. "Thank you." I mumbled. "For what?" I turned to look at him, my droopy eyes staring into his unusually tired ones. "For helping me, again. I appreciate it."

He blew out a breath as if I said the most outrages thing he'd heard of. Then he smiled. "You do not have to thank me. I'm your friend. We have been over this, Moonie."

I stared at him for a moment. The possibility that he was actually this good of a person baffling me and I don't know if it's my head injury or what but it really did make my head spin thinking about it. "Yea...I know. Still, thank you."

It was quiet for another moment. The only sounds being the quiet hum of the radio and the soft blow of the AC. "Kai." He hummed attentively, turning his head as if he'd been waiting for me to say something. "What errands were you talking about. We both know I don't actually have anything to do."

His face dropped slightly and he had this nervous shine in his eyes. "Well," he chuckled, his palms pressing together "I was thinking you could...stay with me, for a little while, til you y'know...get better."

I stared at him. My brain was unable to process what he was saying but I don't think there is much to process at all. He wants me to live with him.

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