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TWELVENovember 1976

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November 1976

The month began with the buzz of the Ravenclaw versus Slytherin Quidditch match. Their professor was late to Ancient Runes, so the conversation of who would come out victorious was struck up before the class could begin. With Evan (a Slytherin chaser) and Regulus (their star seeker) at one table and Linny (being unendingly competitive, not to mention confident in her team) at the other, it was only a matter of time.

"There is no way you succeed with Emmeline Vance as captain and keeper," Linny said confidently. "I live with her and she's up all night strategizing. There's no way anything gets past her."

"Is that a promise, Linny?" Evan returned, an eyebrow raised in challenge.

"Of course. I have no doubts in my team."

"Then let's make it interesting." This suggestion drew the eyes and ears of more of their surrounding classmates. A few 'oohs' even rose from the tables. "If you eagles win, then you get..."

Linny turned this prompt over in her head for a moment. "I get to see you walk around school in an eagle headpiece for a whole day."

A few of their classmates chuckled while Evan nodded and slightly bit his cheek. "And if I win... You'll accompany me to Hogsmeade next weekend."

Remus finally tuned in at this, his eyebrows drawing together suspiciously. However, he saw the hopeful tilt to Linny's smile. "You're on," she said.


Linny headed towards the Quidditch pitch that evening alongside Lily, Marlene, and Alice. Linny was decked out in her pale blue coat and Ravenclaw scarf with blue ribbons threaded through her French braids. Dorcas had lended Marlene her own Ravenclaw scarf for the evening, though the girl was still determined to show her Gryffindor pride in the form of a bright, red sweater. All four of the girls had small amounts of blue and bronze face paint on their cheeks as well.

Before heading towards where they were to meet the Gryffindor boys, they came up to the commentator box where Mary was pouring over a Quidditch rule book. "You do know the game, don't you, Macdonald?" Marlene chuckled.

"It never hurts to freshen one's memory!" Mary excused, closing the book in embarrassment. The girl had been leading the school newspaper since the beginning of the year, but planned on doing everything in her power to make sure her resume would be padded with all possible journalistic extracurriculars by the time they graduated. McGonagall was happy to oblige in letting her try her hand as their Quidditch commentator. Their previous announcer, Ace Jordan, was much too biased in her opinion.

"You'll do wonderfully, Mary. Don't you worry," Linny assured.

Once they were at least sixty percent sure that Mary wouldn't throw up the moment they left her alone, Linny and the Gryffindors made their way to an empty patch of the stands where they could be sure Linny wouldn't be uncomfortable in the crowd. On their way over, Lily's eye was caught on one Severus Snape. She called his name and waved. He bashfully returned it, though Lily was quickly pulled further towards their seats by Marlene.

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