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FIVESeptember 1976

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September 1976

During their second ancient runes class of the year on that Wednesday morning, Remus was already beginning to look sickly in time for the upcoming full moon. But, as he shared one of the middle tables fitting four with Mary, Linny, and Lily, he knew none of them were apt to know that.

The class was proving to be as difficult as its reputation preceded. Even Lily had somewhat warned Linny going in that it was known to be one of the hardest subjects at Hogwarts and an elective at that! Ancient Runes was like trying to learn another language, but rather than something somewhat easy like Spanish or French or even Latin which used the same alphabet as English, they were having to learn a completely different dialect of sounds and complicated calligraphy to match it.

Linny was trying very hard to pay attention that class period, so it checked out that she didn't notice a certain boy who kept sneaking glances at her from one table over. Others noticed, though. In fact, Mary would go as far to say it was distracting how hard the boy was staring at Linny.

When class finally concluded after their first attempt at setting a base knowledge of the runic alphabet, the table of four was packing up, setting a time to study in the library before their next class period the following week.

"Yeah, there's no way I'll remember all of that this time next week," Remus lamented, shoving their heavy textbook back into his bag.

"So let's say Monday, then," Lily said, looking to the others for agreement.

While Linny nodded, Mary nervously glanced at the next table over. "I'm sorry, but did anyone else catch onto the table of snakes beside us?" Mary interrupted bashfully, eyebrows drawn together anxiously.

"They're just going to class. Same as us," Lily excused, seeing Severus Snape among the students and sending him a small smile and wave to which he blushed and looked down at his shoes having been caught looking at her.

"Well, Snape wasn't the only one sneaking glances our way," Mary said.

Linny looked back at the table, seeing three boys in green and black ties, two of them with dark brown almost black hair and the third with pale brown locks. Beside Severus was the dark-haired boy who seemed somewhat recognizable to her. Something about his sharp jaw and soft curls reminded her of someone, though she couldn't place who. The other was completely new to her. When she caught his eye, she watched his cheeks flush in embarrassment.

"Rosier was looking at Linny practically through the whole lecture," Mary continued. "A little scary, if you ask me."

"Nonsense," Lily said. "He probably just thinks Lin's cute."

Linny blushed slightly and choked out a laugh. "Yeah, right."

Remus looked between Linny and the table cautiously. "Just be careful around those guys, Lin. Not the right sort."

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