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SIXSeptember 1976

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September 1976

James watched the soup containers burst and scatter across the floor, but he didn't pay them any attention, focused only on Linny's terrified expression. "Oh shit, Lin, I'm-" But he was too late.

And Linny saw.


James was older. He had the same bronze skin, dark brown mop of hair, and round glasses. But he was definitely a bit older, if only a few years. And that roguish smile was absent from his features. In its place was passionate determination and behind it, a flash of fear.

Not fear for himself, her mind supplied. For those he was trying to protect.

Spells flew from his wand towards an unseen force. And when Linny saw his eyes flicker up the stairs behind him, she knew who he was protecting. A family. There was a wife and perhaps a child waiting for him just up those steps. But he wouldn't be able to reach them in time. And he knew it.

With the force of another spell from the unseen force, his protection castings barely keeping him upright, he was sent falling back upon the stairs. James tried pulling himself up towards the loves of his life as a green spell shot from the opponent's wand.

"Avada kedavra!" echoed between Linny's ears like a splitting headache.

With his last breath, James yelled up the stairs, "Lily!" The spell metastasized through his back and the rest of his body before he fell limp to the ground, a look of pure devastation and pain spread across his features.


A scream ripped through Linny's body as she fell to the ground and pushed herself as far away from the boys as she could get, until her back pressed up against the wall. "Linny! Lin, come here," Miah quickly said, running and crouching down beside his sister.

Her fingers knotted through her hair as she held her head between her knees, rocking back and forth. It had been a long time since she had a vision. She'd been so good. She'd been so careful. Why didn't she just let Miah give them the damn containers? Why did she do it herself? She was so stupid!

Her mind screamed at her as the images replayed in her brain. James, dead on the floor. The feeling of the killing curse seizing through her body. But that wasn't the worst pain. That wasn't the thing that made this James' most excruciating memory. It was that he was so close to the ones he loved. And that he couldn't protect them.

"Linny, I'm so sorry," James said shakily, lowering himself to the ground but keeping his distance. "I'm so sorry. That was my fault and I... I didn't know it was that bad. Lin, I'm so-"

"It's not your fault," Miah assured, glancing up at the two boys. Both of their expressions read the same: completely horrified. It sent a flash of guilt through him and a memory came to mind. One long ago buried deep that he hated to think about. It was the first time he'd seen Linny go through this and he looked just as scared as they did. Linny didn't even look at him for a week. She thought he saw her as a monster. And now, she may feel the need to avoid some of the people she'd become closest to in their time at Hogwarts.

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