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NINEOctober 1976

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October 1976

Instead of going to lunch (or half of her classes afterwards), Linny spent her time in her father's office with a mug of tea in her hands. They spent the mealtime talking, though Linny forced herself to keep the details of this vision in particular vague so as not to reveal Remus' secret.

All Linny was able to tell him was that she now knew something about her friend that he likely wasn't ready to tell her. She was scared of how it would affect her relationship now that she had to keep her knowledge under wraps. That was the other downside of these visions: the observations they left her with. She, in the back of her mind, now knew that James and Lily would end up together. She knew that Remus was a werewolf.

No matter the weight of the secret, she had to keep them under wraps and it almost felt like an extra layer of contention keeping her from the rest of the world. And Linny was tired of it.

"I want... to tell them," she told her father hesitantly when he came back to check on her between his classes.

"Linny. You know the danger," her father replied, fear creeping into his tone. "I like those boys. I really do. But this is another level of trust. You've only known them two months-"

"But they've got secrets of their own. And it's my thinking that they've kept that secret between the four of them. I know I'd be putting a lot of trust in them... But it's a trade. They already trust me and they are there for me in a way that only you and Miah and Cass have ever been."

Mateo's brows furrowed concernedly. "Linny... I know I can't talk you out of it. It's your decision, my love."

Linny thanked him quietly, not portraying all of the thoughts swirling in her head. She knew then, finally leaving her father to do his job, that she needed to find Miah. If there was anyone in the world that she trusted the opinion of equal to that of her father, it was her older brother. But Linny already had a feeling she knew how he'd respond.


After dinner that evening, Linny said a kind hello to the Fat Lady before Miah spoke the password allowing the pair of them into the Gryffindor common room. As soon as they entered, Linny could feel eyes on her back. The feeling was true wherever she went that day, but half of the classroom that saw her breakdown was full of Gryffindors. She was sure that the entire house knew by now; the same was true for the Ravenclaws as was proven when she dropped by her own dorm earlier that afternoon.

Marlene, Alice, and Lily were lounging around the fireplace when the Robinson siblings came in. As soon as the redhead caught her friend's eye, she was up out of her seat without another word. Alice and Marlene were soon to follow.

"Hey, Lin!" Lily said, attempting casualness.

"Linny! Hi. We were worried about you. Are you doing alright? You know, we're here whatever you need and-" Alice ranted only to feel Marlene's hand on her arm.

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