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EIGHTOctober 1976

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October 1976

The next morning, Linny left the Ravenclaw dorms with Dorcas and Mary at her side. The girls looked down at her confusedly, however, when they noticed what was in her hands alongside her bookbag. "Lin, why are you carrying an umbrella? The weather is perfect," Dorcas said.

Linny looked down at the object as if she had forgotten it was even there. "Oh... I don't know, actually," she said, confusion growing in her own tone as if it was someone else's action. "I just have a feeling, I guess."

The other two dropped the topic as they continued towards the Great Hall for breakfast. As they walked, comparing the potions essays they'd all finished in time for class later that day, the hairs felt like they suddenly stood up on the back of Linny's neck.

When they passed through the doors of the Great Hall, Linny quickly put up her umbrella, shielding the three Ravenclaws from a downpour of glue followed by a flurry of feathers. "Holy shit, Linny! How did you do that?" Mary muttered as the Robinson girl slowly lowered the now-heavy umbrella towards the floor.

Linny's face broke out into a little smile as she looked back at her friends with a shrug. "I told you. I just had a feeling." The Marauders approached, most of them holding back laughter, causing Linny to look around and realize that while the three of them had been saved, the glue and feathers had poured onto some unsuspecting person walking in at just the same time as them. "Oh, Severus! I'm so sorry! Are you alright?"

Snape pushed sticky clumps of glue away from his face, his head and shoulders accented by colorful feathers. "Fine, Linny. Not your fault," he said with a heated glare towards the five approaching boys.

James was losing it with laughter, having to fight to keep himself together. "Merlin, that couldn't have backfired better!" he laughed quietly to his friends. Beside him, Miah and Remus shared an amused look as they were trying to restrain their own snickers.

Linny stomped right up to them and hit James' arm. "You're such an idiot! Look what you've done to poor Severus!"

"I can't even be happy about Snivellus right now," Sirius said exasperatedly, glancing between the ruined umbrella and the three untainted Ravenclaws. "What the hell just happened?"

Linny's frown dissipated and in its place sat a smug smile. She shrugged again and said, "I guess it looked like rain."

"There's clear skies today," Peter murmured, expression awe-stricken.

"How did you know?!" Sirius shrieked with an offending point in her direction.

"You must be getting predictable, Black," she said arrogantly, continuing towards the Ravenclaw table with Dorcas and Mary.

Sirius couldn't help the amused grin that took over his face. "Oh, little Linny's got jokes now? I'll get you!"

"Sure you will!" she called over her shoulder, stepping to the side to let a pissed professor through the aisle. "Good morning, Professor McGonagall. Good luck with the hooligans."

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