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FOURSeptember 1976

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September 1976

Sure enough, Linny ended up getting settled in a dorm room with Dorcas, Mary, and another girl she didn't know called Emmeline Vance. She introduced herself and they all quickly got on. Dorcas and Mary had apparently been rooming together since first year when they met and had been inseparable ever since. She also learned that despite the fact that they weren't dating, Mary was unlabeled and Dorcas was a lesbian. As for Emmeline, Dorcas quietly filled her in that she was a bit of a loner, but always nice when she was forced to interact with others.

Linny was excited to fill Marlene in on the new information when their first day of classes rolled around, but decided that it'd have to wait as she and her brothers were meeting up at her father's new classroom before his first muggle studies period of the day (which both Miah and Linny happened to be enrolled in).

The muggle studies classroom was quite beautiful. Acting as an entrance hall to the class space lined with desks was the "muggle showroom." In each corner of the space was an intricate diorama of parts of a typical muggle's living space with labels marking each of the odd devices that wizards couldn't fathom having to live with, some of which were displayed around the room. These included a projector, a television set, a blender, a rubber duck, roller skates, old telephones, and a vacuum cleaner. Linny managed to snap a few photos of her father showing off the space (some candid, others dramatically, goofily posed).

The classroom space was much like any other, lined with desks and the classic, sandstone architecture Hogwarts was famous for. But at the front sat a large, red telephone booth which led back to Mateo's office and his attached bedroom chambers. He also moved a record player from the showroom up beside his teaching desk.

"I think I'll begin each day playing some muggle music, to get students engrossed in Muggle culture," Mateo told his children. Linny was already flicking through his assembled record collection with Miah and Cass looking over her shoulder. "I can't decide who I should start with today."

"Bowie, obviously," Miah said. "You can't live without Bowie."

"Uh, I think you mean Fleetwood Mac," Linny contradicted. "It's classic and mellow. A perfect introduction to muggle music."

"I think I know what Cass will vote for," Mateo chuckled.

Cass' eyes lit up as he yelled, "Queen!" His siblings simultaneously repeated the band's name, much less excitedly. While Linny and Miah still loved Queen, Cass had kept "Bohemian Rhapsody" on such a loop at their house that the two were starting to grow annoyed with the admittedly amazing album.

"Well, if you can't agree, you know what that means," Mateo smiled. "Dad picks! So, I'll go with a song that charted this year. But, sung by someone so iconic they can't be beat."

Linny looked up at Miah. "What's your guess?"

Miah rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "The Beatles. 'Got to Get You Into my Life'."

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