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TENOctober 1976

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October 1976

The Ravenclaw common room was silent as Linny slipped down the stairwell from the girls' dormitories. The truth of the Ravenclaw dormitories was that they used the gendered terms and distinctions of their space very loosely. The spell separating each side of Ravenclaw tower was broken long ago if only so the boys and girls could mingle. But Ravenclaw had always been the most open minded house, so several students who didn't quite identify with either gender would keep a space on either side and choose depending on the day where they'd like to spend their evening. Not to mention the students who disagreed with the gender they were given at birth, but weren't prepared to tell the whole world yet. Never to fear, the Ravenclaws were ready to accommodate them.

It was rare to find the common room empty, even at such early hours. The library closed at midnight, so dedicated studiers who didn't want to awake their roommates would find comfort in the shared space, a charmed fern in the corner playing soothing violin music should they drift off to sleep mid-sentence. Linny considered herself lucky to find the space so bare that night as she wasn't apt to tell anyone where she was headed.

Remus was likely all the way out at the Shrieking Shack by now, alongside the Marauders. Linny quietly closed the door behind her, prepared to blindly weave through the halls and take a secret passage James had told her about down to Hogsmeade. She was surprised, however, to find someone waiting outside for her.

"There you are, Robin. Off we go," Sirius said, a familiar spare bit of parchment in his grasp.

He nodded his head in the direction of their exit, but Linny stayed put. "What are you doing here? And are you planning on finally revealing the purpose of your mysterious little parchment there?"

"Slow down, Lin. The boys were worried you'd get lost on the way. That or caught and plagued with your first detention."

"Well, the boys will have to wait until I see this riddle solved."

At her eyebrow raising in challenge with another little glance down at the map, Sirius rolled his eyes. "You Ravenclaws and your riddles."

"You Gryffindors and your secrets."

"Touche," Sirius muttered as he took a step closer. Linny couldn't help the way her heartbeat picked up speed as Sirius came so close she thought he may accidentally brush his shoulder against hers. Instead, he pointed his wand at the parchment and said, "I solemnly swear I am up to no good."

Ink blossomed across the page, revealing an ornate front page reading, "Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfood, and Prongs proudly present the Marauder's Map." Sirius gladly passed her the map and smiled slightly as he watched her eyes curiously roam the sprawling pages.

"Does this show everyone's movements in Hogwarts?" she confirmed, running her fingers over where she saw Cass soundly asleep in the Gryffindor dorms. In the corridors, she saw Lily and Mary doing their prefect rounds. And sneaking out the passage she and Sirius would soon be heading towards, she saw the other three Marauders alongside her brother quickly disappear from sight. "This must've been Remus' doing."

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