"My mother once said that 'behind every powerful man is an even more powerful woman' and that 'a king would always be nothing without his queen' Her words were my religion for so long, and they'll always be there for me. Whenever I'm skeptical or depressed, I can hear her kind voice in my head." he said with a distant look in his eyes.

"You don't talk about her much." I couldn't help but say with my own sorrowful smile.

He looked down at me, his eyes warm, and gave my temple a kiss before speaking again. "Sometimes it's too painful, other times I like to keep my memories of her close." He dipped my body before continuing "She would have loved you."

I thought he was done before he continued on. "The day you saved me and I looked into your eyes I felt something...my mother and I used to watch the sunset together and one day there was this green flash that filled the sky and I swore to myself I'd never forget the look of pure joy on her face. When I looked into your eyes I could see that green flash all over again, I felt the joy my mother had and I knew there was just something about you. My body felt like it had been shocked. Somehow I knew it was my soul reaching out for you, my mind was screaming at me to find that sense of joy my mother had felt that day. And I did, because I found you."

"You encompass my every thought Jade. When I look at you it's like I'm staring at my heart outside of my body. I can't live without you and I'd never want to. You've been strong for so long Jade, you don't need to do that anymore. You've worn so many faces that I always wondered which one was the real one, now I know."

"Santiago-" I started before being cut off.

"I'm in love with you Jade. You don't need to feel the same but I needed you to know how in love with you I've fallen. Every fiber of my being buzzes in your presence. When I look at you I can't help but see everything I've ever wished for."

"And what have you wished for?" I asked with a smile and watery eyes.

"A love that consumes me. You're all I'll ever need tesoro. I'll love you in this life and I'll love you in the next, as long as you'll have me of course." He said his eyes were shining so brightly I couldn't help but to get lost in them for a minute. I didn't say anything for a minute as a tear made its way past the threshold of my eyes. (T: treasure)

The panic on his face was unmistakable as his eyes watched the tears trailing down my cheeks. Before he could open his mouth to ask what was wrong I placed my lips over his. I could feel his rough palms on my cheeks, our breathing accelerating as our tongues caressed each other's. I pulled back slightly for a moment to say the one thing I'd wanted to say since I'd realized what I felt for the Adonis standing before me.

Three words and eight little letters.

"I love you." I said while staring deeply into his eyes, hoping to convey my feelings for him. "No matter what happens, in this life or the next, I'll always find my way back to you." I heard his breathing catch slightly.



As soon as the last syllable had left my tongue his lips were back on mine. This time they were rougher, more needy. With my hands over his shoulders they seemed to wrap around his neck accordingly, one of them gripping the hair at his nape. A hand met my jaw tilting my head up for further access while the other gripped my hip tightly, almost to reassure himself that I was real.

The kiss had started off so sweet and slow that I hadn't even realized we'd begun moving towards the floors until a shocked gasp escaped my lips as the cold floors temperature seeped through my dress. His hand covered the back of my head in a protective gesture against the white marble tile. My breathing sped up as his lips made their way down my jaw, small bites being left on the sweet spot of my neck.

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