12: awake

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San is back here again

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San is back here again.

Cautiously, he sits up, his palms cushioned by the few patches of grass growing in the woodland. The trees are large and wide, their bulky brown roots stretching across the ground in patterns like an embrace.

Like always, the leaves are almost see-through, swaying to an imaginary breeze. San stares at them for a moment as if preparing himself for the worst, but nothing happens.

Birds San can't see chirp up ahead from varying directions, and as he gets on his feet, he groans at how achey his knees feel. This is another weird thing about these dreams: everything feels a bit too real, and he always wakes up in this strange, unidentified forest.

San exhales a short breath, a little annoyed. He pats down his shorts, the same red ones he'd been wearing at Mingi's house before falling asleep.

Thinking about Mingi makes him remember their earlier conversation about Yunho, and how anxious the taller had seemed about the elf prince's whereabouts. San knows fully well that Mingi cares for Yunho more than he lets on, even when the guy doesn't want to admit it to himself.

And, while San believed Mingi seemed to agree when he said there was absolutely no need to look for Yunho, he can only hope his friend actually heeded to his advice.

"Imagine he did go to that party," San utters to himself. "Why would I not be surprised if that was the case?"

San tries envisioning his tall friend awkwardly idling next to a bunch of drunk, horny teenagers grinding on each other, and he can't help the highly amused chuckle that escapes his lips right then. Alright, there's no way Mingi went there.

A branch snaps, cutting San's thoughts short. He grows rigid, even when there's no need to because this is only a dream, which means this isn't really happening right now.

With bated breaths, San keeps his ears alert for any other sound. For a second, he hears nothing but silence. Then all of a sudden, footsteps echo throughout the atmosphere. They're quick and light, setting San's nerves aflame.

Without wasting another moment, San rushes behind a bush, its sheer size providing adequate protection. Stop freaking out San, he keeps telling himself, but it's hard to listen to logic right now, his heartbeat starting to race.

A growl rumbles in the air right then, hitting San straight to the core. He freezes, frightened of how wild and animalistic it sounds.

Don't freak out. This isn't real, San thinks over and over again, but when that snarl is heard once more terror injects itself right into his veins.

He gulps when hooved legs shuffle in, and then something hairy and beast-like appears past the tightly congregated trees. It looks very much like a rhino, but on steroids.

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