10: help

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This 'arrangement' of sorts goes on for the next few days

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This 'arrangement' of sorts goes on for the next few days. Anytime Mingi can't sleep, he finds himself camping out at the living room for a bit. Yunho's always there as well, and then they spend a couple hours on the couch silent for the most part.

It's comforting; knowing that you don't have to say a word and knowing that if you do, someone's right there to listen.

Mingi did talk to Yunho at times, especially on Friday night after a particularly gruelling literature test earlier that morning that required essay type answers. And Yunho, despite showing up just two days earlier, had read through the books required for the semester and seemed to have no problems whatsoever with the questions.

"I'm pretty sure I bombed the test," was what Mingi had revealed to Yunho a few minutes into midnight. Mingi hadn't admitted this to San because he didn't want to keep burdening the shorter with his problems. Talking to Yunho felt simpler, as he didn't need to filter himself as much because the elf didn't know him like that and hadn't witnessed him in his worst moments.

"Why do you think that way?" Yunho had asked, his words straightforward and to the point, as always. Sometimes it made talking to him feel like an interrogation, and sometimes like right now, when Mingi's chaotic emotions were at an all time high, it helped ground him in reality. Helped him to not freak out as much.

Mingi had then hugged his knees, his default position during these late night conversations with Yunho whenever he felt a little vulnerable. "I'm really not good at writing."

"You're not good?"

"Yes, Yunho. I suck ass at writing and describing shit," Mingi replied. "And I hate it whenever we have to do tests like these because I'm always gonna fail. And it -- it makes me feel..."

"Feel what?" Yunho's voice sounded closer now, because since they'd started talking on Wednesday, the space between them on the couch had gradually reduced.

"...Stupid. It makes me feel stupid." That was another side-effect of these nightly conversations. In the dark where you know your every movement and expression isn't being studied, it gets much easier to admit your insecurities out loud. And while Mingi found it scary -- and still does, to be honest -- it is a little freeing to be able to share bits and pieces of yourself without fearing some sort of judgement.

Maybe it was because Yunho isn't human, maybe it was because Yunho won't stay here forever anyway. Either way, Mingi didn't feel as hesitant to disclose his troubles to the taller in the middle of the night.

"You're not stupid."

"I know."

"I could help you, if you want."

"I never asked you to."

"I know. I'm just offering my help."

And of course, they never went a night without bickering about something, which was mostly due to Mingi's volition. He just didn't, and still doesn't like feeling dependent on others.

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