11: halloween

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cw/tw: reference to self harm, underaged drinking

Mingi doesn't know how it happens, but in two weeks it's like Yunho had never once been a new student at his dreary and ancient soul-sucking high school

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Mingi doesn't know how it happens, but in two weeks it's like Yunho had never once been a new student at his dreary and ancient soul-sucking high school.

Not a single day goes by that Yunho doesn't almost always get a text from someone in between classes, and get greeted in the hallways, and get cheered on whenever he does so much as show up in class.

Heck, even the teachers are fond of him, always calling on him to answer their questions with smiles on their faces whenever they hand Yunho's test results back to him.

"Yunho's really freaking liked," San comments on Tuesday during biology class, the aforementioned male currently at the front labelling the different organs of human circulatory system down to its last detail.

Shin Mina, the senior year queen bee is at his side, chatting up a storm while copying down the notes the teacher allocated to her. Her thick dark hair flips over her shoulder as she bats her lashes Yunho's way, and the elf just grins, his smile easygoing and free. He's chuckling when Mina lightly punches his arm.

Mingi's insides boil with fury at the sight.

"Yeah, no kidding," he answers, sounding harsher than he'd like. He clears his throat and fiddles with his black pen, wanting Yunho and Mina to just go back to their seats already.

San's looking at him now, eyes inquisitive and curious. They get like this whenever he's on to him, about to figure something out that Mingi definitely won't like. "Mingi..."

"Don't look at me like that." Mingi taps San's head with his pen for good measure, which causes San to overdramatically wince.

"I think I just got a concussion," San frowns, acting like he's seconds away from fainting. "You're always so rough."

Mingi's more than glad San seems to be distracted from his odd behaviour earlier. "That sounds so wrong though."

"You're so fucking dirty minded. Get your head outta the gutter," San says with a frown, pretending like he's gonna hurl.

Mingi laughs, only for his eyes to lock with Yunho's right then. The elf appears taken aback, gaze alarmed as if he'd been caught doing something he wasn't supposed to.

Shit, had he been staring at me? Mingi's thoughts are in complete and utter disarray.

Yunho quickly looks away, and Mingi has no idea why it makes his mood fucking deflate. Of course, Mingi figures Yunho didn't want to be caught staring at their class's resident freak for a little too long. He won't want his sparkling clean reputation to get tainted, now would he?

Now that Mingi thinks about it, Yunho has been spending less and less time with him and San at school lately, all too eager to run off to Jongho and his lackeys whenever the chance presents himself.

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