07: a change

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edited this to show how elf yunho looks now (hes so cute)

Yunho believes he's going through various stages of grief this very moment as he sits there on this spinning rubber chair, his ears and back exposed to the air for the first time

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Yunho believes he's going through various stages of grief this very moment as he sits there on this spinning rubber chair, his ears and back exposed to the air for the first time.

The morning had been a very chaotic one to say the least. He'd been having a rather relaxing sleep when Gia entered his room and then proceeded to shake him awake as gently as she could. Then they were heading down the corridors, further into the house until they entered another room that seemed to exist beneath the floors. It was like Yunho had entered another universe entirely, the area littered with various sparkling supplies and tools that made his heartbeat thrum with both nervousness and excitement.

Then Gia had him sit on a chair, covered him with a wide thin sheet, grabbed conjoined blades that she called a 'pair of scissors', and then she got to work.

Yunho's worry had been felt by Gia the entire time, so the woman distracted him by telling him how she'd spent the entire night contacting her colleagues on her further plans concerning him getting enrolled in school.

And now as Yunho studies his reflection in the mirror, he doesn't know what he's looking at, at first. His face looks so different, the hair at the back of his head fluffy and wavy while the hair in front flops around his forehead, a couple strands hiding the tips of his ears. Like this, he looks almost human -- like Mingi and San, his round emerald eyes the only thing betraying his elven heritage.

"You got a wolf cut! It still needs a few tweaks, but we'll fix that later," Gia says while Yunho wordlessly admires his changed appearance. "Also gotta buy the bands from my friend that'll help keep your ears in place in public. Do you want to change your hair colour?"

"What?" Yunho blinks at this, snapping out of his daze.

Cute, Gia thinks. "Your hair. Do you want to keep it blond, or get it a little darker?"

Yunho doesn't think he's ready for that just yet. Cutting his hair is one thing, but his blond tresses are what connect him to his home, to his mother. "Maybe another time. You said we were going...shopping. What does that entail, if I may ask?"

"We drive into town and get you clothes that you want, and other things you'll need for school."

Yunho nods quickly, unable to quell his excitement about how the rest of the day will go. "Awesome."

"You sound just like Mingi," Gia comments with a smile. She must've seen the bewildered expression on Yunho's face because she then laughs out loud, ruffling his hair. "I mean, I know Mingi hasn't been the easiest person to live with so far, but I swear he's the loveliest person ever once you get to know him."

Yunho has another opinion entirely, but then he thinks about how Mingi looked last night when he'd smiled, his expression all soft and endearing. And while Mingi is almost always scowling around him, Yunho hopes he'll be able to see even more of the boy's smiles moving forward.

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