03: push & pull

613 57 44

tw: f-slur and implied transphobia

The sun in the sky's hotter than anything else, and Mingi cringes as he wipes his brow, his grey shirt soaked and nearly sticking to his skin

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The sun in the sky's hotter than anything else, and Mingi cringes as he wipes his brow, his grey shirt soaked and nearly sticking to his skin.

Even though he's now seated under the shade the bleachers provide, an equally sweaty San to his right, Mingi's more than ready to just call this a day.

"Running first thing on a Monday morning should be fucking illegal," Mingi comments, casually watching as other students in similar uniforms take turns sprinting down the lined green tracks. The colour reminds the black haired teen of a certain trespassing elf, and he rubs his neck, frustrated.

San's downing some water from his bottle, his cheeks dusted a faint pink as they always do whenever he does some sort of exercise.. The brunet then rakes a thin finger through his hair, and exhales deeply. "I... I totally agree. I kinda feel faint."

"Don't faint," Mingi says, casting the smaller male a glance. "Cause I'm not carrying you to the nurse's office."

"Dick." San slaps his forearm, but his touch is light and graceful, as always. Mingi doesn't even think the shorter is capable of stepping on an ant, even if it's accidental.

Mingi hits him back, playful. "Bitch."


Mingi chuckles. "I see you've been listening to me well, huh?"

San takes another sip and shrugs. "You do have an endless vocabulary of cuss words to choose from." He pauses, then motions to his bottle. "Want some?"

"Didn't you just have a nasty ass cold last week?"

"I did not!" San rushes to defend himself while Mingi laughs out loud at school, for once. His laughter quickly subsides when San punches his side. "Cunt."

"Ow." Mingi winces, but he's still smiling, a little amused at seeing San all mad. The older rarely loses his temper and even when he does, he looks totally harmless, easily back to normal in seconds.

Not like Jeong Yunho, whose heavy stares made Mingi feel a bit like a snivelling criminal.

Don't think about that elf, he yells at himself, hating how easily his thoughts seem to travel back to the otherwordly currently in his house.

"...What are you thinking about?" San asks, deep brown eyes trained on Mingi. The guy has a tendency to stare a little too intensely at others, his gaze often profound. Sometimes it freaks Mingi out, other times the taller figures that's just the way San is.

"We have language class after lunch, right?" Mingi states, eager to change the subject.

"Didn't do the writing assignment again?" San questions, vaguely disappointed.



"I just hate writing about stuff like that."

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