04: bother

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Mingi wakes up the next day without help from San this time around, or an alarm

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Mingi wakes up the next day without help from San this time around, or an alarm. That doesn't mean he doesn't spend at least two minutes curled beneath the covers, trying to fend off the outside cold for a little while longer. With winter slowly approaching, he spends his mornings on the brink of shivering most of the time.

And that coupled with his usual penchant for feeling frustrated and combative does not make for a good combination.

I need a hot shower, Mingi thinks with a groan. Not really trusting his motor skills at this time of day, he makes it out the bedroom door extra carefully, not wanting to risk a bruise on his forehead first thing in the morning (as he's experienced that more than once, unfortunately).

Mingi, groggy beyond comprehension, latches on to the bathroom's doorknob and twists it, only for it to not budge. He tries again, and it's then his ears pick up on the recognizable sound of water being spilled in the shower. Someone's in there.

His aunt's work doesn't make her all that enthusiastic to use the bathroom in the mornings, and she also knows he usually showers around this time. With that information currently at the forefront of Mingi's mind, a chill that isn't from the cold rolls down his spine.

Don't tell me --

He pounds on the door. "Who's in there?"

The running water stops, and Mingi presses his ear to the door frame, sincerely hoping it isn't who he thinks it is. He's well aware he's acting super childish right now, but he can't stand it when his routine's unexpectedly tampered with.

There's a moment of utter silence, but soon enough a voice echoes out the door. "It is I, Yunho."

Fucking shit. Mingi wants to punch something.

"Are you in need of anything, or do you want to bother me again?" Yunho continues, his tone having a certain smugness to it.

Mingi knows there's no point in getting mad, especially when it'll only give the elf the reaction he wants. So he inhales, exhales. "When are you stepping out?"

"Whenever I want."

Don't get mad, don't get mad, Mingi repeats to himself like a mantra. He exhales deeply. "If you didn't know, I also have school today, which I have be at in an hour. So if you would please get out really soon, that'd be really appreciated."

There's a pause, and then, "No."

"No?" Mingi nearly exclaims behind the door.

"If you didn't know," Yunho starts, repeating Mingi's words right back at him, "I am an avid fan of taking long baths, as they are quite therapeutic, don't you think? And cutting them short for someone like you would be very regrettable, for me."

Asshole. Mingi bites back the many, many cuss words threatening to topple out his lips. "You better get out soon, or I'll -- "

"You'll what?" Yunho interrupts, his deep voice suddenly sounding a whole lot more serious. It catches Mingi off-guard, his mind drawing a blank.

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