02.2 ▌The Woman on the Shore

Start from the beginning

"But, sire, your meal."

"I'll have it later."

He walked past Gerald who was heaving a sigh. The old man had no choice but to silently follow him as they proceeded to meet his wayward brother.

ERKHAN WAS sitting on the couch while the housemaids took care of the woman in the bed. He did not even notice Aricson's arrival. He lightly tapped his shoulder, causing Erkhan to jolt from his seat.

"I know what you're thinking and that is not the truth, Brother," Erkhan rambled, his arms flourishing in the air to make a point.

He signaled the servants to leave. The moment they exited, he sat in the armchair near Erkhan with his arms propped. "Enlighten me, then."

"I remember our promise, of course, but she's a special case. I was on the way here when I saw her on the shore. She was dressed differently and acting strange then she stepped into a shard fish and fainted so I had no choice but to bring her here since she was bleeding heavily because of the poison. And besides, Hadrien is still here," he explained in haste.

Aricson's gaze turned to the woman. The contrast of pink and black strands was evident even from afar, making her almost as pale as the white linen covering her up to her neck. Anyone could tell she was undeniably pleasing in the eyes with such features as if chiseled into perfection.

He looked back at Erkhan with a deadpan stare.

"In simpler words, you cannot leave a beautiful woman alone?" he inquired, fully understanding what kind of person his younger brother was. All types of the female population were welcomed to his embrace.

Erkhan scratched his head and grinned goofily. "Well... That is partly true."

"What are those Guardian knights doing that they did not even notice a trespasser? Are you sure she's not an enemy?"

"Yes. Even the Vermilions did not notice her. I was only able to see her since I was distracted and saw that there was something near the nest," Erkhan briefed with a slightly furrowed brow, his voice turning somber.

Erkhan may come off as foolish but he was not when their family's safety was talked about.

"That's even stranger. All the Vermilions would be alarmed when there is an intruder near their nest," Aricson noted as his brows scrunched.

"I asked the maidservants to check any marks on her body. They told me there was something on her upper right arm, almost like a sun. She had the fairy's hair so I'm presuming she is a Half-breed since there is no fey emblem on her body. No banished marks either," Erkhan apprised.

Aricson stood up and went to the bedside. The woman looked ethereal as she lay there. Fairies were known for their beauty and she was certainly one of them on looks alone. He kept gazing at her as if he was being pulled into her and could not seem to avoid it.

'That is odd.'

He could not stop staring and it did not sit well with him. He shook his head, trying to force himself to clear his thoughts.

"Aside from that, there are also weird things about her clothing and sword," Erkhan said who was already beside him.


"It's the first time I've seen one dressed like her. As for the sword, it is definitely a magic weapon but I could not activate it."

"It must be a sacred artifact," Aricson concluded and took the sword from the table.

All this information made her more suspicious. The scabbard was simple but the hilt was uniquely adorned with jewels. He took it off and examined the sword.

When the light hit its tip, it shone like a glistening moon on a starry night. It was beautiful and sturdy, too. Nevertheless, there was something peculiar about it. Sacred artifacts had magic imbued in them, he could sense it but it was unfamiliar. He put it down after he realized something.

"You told me she was at the shore but how come no one notified me until now," he asked and thought of a reason as a certain someone passed his mind. "Anyway, this must be further investigated."

His younger brother simply nodded, obviously interested to find out about the person he had brought.

"I need to question her purpose for coming here. Call me the moment she wakes up."

"Yes, Brother," Erkhan agreed.

He could not help but take one last glance at the woman before bidding goodbye. There was still a mountain of paperwork waiting for him in the study.

 There was still a mountain of paperwork waiting for him in the study

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