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Reena looked at Rocky as Reya did not come back, "Rocky, I think Reya lost her way, I'll go get her." Said Reena.

 "No Shona, I'll go check you go inside, it's becoming quite hot now." Said Rocky and walked a bit to find Reya. 

Meanwhile, Reya took the ball from Priya's hand and said, "Thank you."

 And tried to leave, but Priya held her hand tight.

 Ram was quite bewildered to see a little girl inside his property, "Is she trespassing." Thought Ram, but his thoughts were broken by Rocky. 

"Reya, Reya where are you?" called Rocky, and he was quite stunned to see his parents as he was not expecting them now. 

"Papa," said Reya trying to come out of Priya's hold.

 Ram looked at Rocky and the child in Priya's hold and he closely observed that the child had facial features like his long-lost daughter, Reya.

 Reya managed to free herself from Priya and ran to Rocky and hugged his legs.

 "Raja," said Ram looking at the kid near his son. 

Rocky lifted Reya and said, "This is Reya Raja Krishnappa Bariya, my daughter. Let us go inside and I will tell you everything." Rocky carried Reya inside and Ram brought Priya inside, as things happened fast everyone was confused about the happenings and everyone failed to notice the change in Priya. 

She was looking at Reya with beseeching eyes, Reya looked at Ram and Priya and whispered into Rocky's ears, "Papa, who are they?" Rocky whispered back to her, "They are your Dada and Dadi."

Reena was at the dining table waiting with Shakthi for Roeya with a jug of lemonade. 

She was quite shocked to see Ram and Priya coming behind them. 

Rocky gave Reya to Shakthi and told, "Take her for a drive while we sort things out." 

Shakthi nodded and took Reya away, as Reya went out of her sight Priya began to panic, "My Reya, I want her." She said helplessly shocking Roeena and Ram. 

"Priya, relax just relax." Said Ram trying to calm Priya.

 Reena passed a glass of lemonade to Ram and he made Priya drink some and said, "She is going out to play, she'll be back soon."

 "You are telling the truth, right?" asked Priya in a panicky tone.

 "Yes." Said Ram. 

Reena stared at Priya, she was completely different from the Priya she saw or knew. 

After some time, Ram took Priya to her room and returned to Roeena who was sitting in the dining area. 

"Reena beta, how are you?" asked Ram sitting on one of the chairs. 

Reena smiled a bit and nodded slightly, Rocky held her hand and began narrating how he met Reena and Reya in Australia. 

"I am very sorry but, I should have stopped Priya that day, I was highly disturbed by Reya's death and I didn't process things fast." Said Ram with tears in his eyes.

 Reena's eyes teared up too, from day one Ram always had a soft spot for her and always cared for her. 

"It's okay Uncle things just happened fast." Said Reena controlling her tears. 

"That child is..." started Ram. 

"Our daughter, Papa," said Rocky in a firm tone and explained how Reena left India with her friend's help. 

Ram nodded and said, "Priya's state is getting worse, that's why I took her to her mother's place, she doesn't seem to recognize her or anyone there all she says is Reya Reya." 

Rocky and Reena looked at each other and said nothing. 

Rocky took his phone and messaged Shakthi to bring Reya back as it was time for lunch.

 "I'll prepare something for lunch." Said Reena standing up. 

Ram and Rocky took a stroll in the garden and they heard a child's giggle Rocky felt someone hugging his legs from the back, he knew it was his princess and turned and lifted her. 

Reya had a flower headband on her head and a couple of balloons in her hand. 

"Papa, Chachu took me to a park, we played on the slides, see-saws, merry-go-round, and swings and..." went on Reya describing the lovely time she had.

 Rocky pushed her hair back and patiently listened to Reya's rants.

 He turned to find Shakthi standing behind them, he smiled at him and turned back to his princess and we saw donkeys in the park, but Chachu told them they are monkeys but I told him that they are donkeys.

 "No, Reya they are monkeys, they jump on trees." Reasoned out Shakthi. 

Reya's nose flared and she looked at Rocky and said, "Papa, you say they are donkeys only nah." Rocky knew Shakthi was right but how can he make his princess sad so he said, "Yes, baby they are donkeys."

 Reya smiled victoriously and looked at Shakthi. 

"See, Papa told me I am right." Said Reya smirking. 

 Rocky winked at Shakthi who winked back understanding Rocky.

 Ram looked at the kids and smiled happily, Rocky turned to him and looked at Reya, and said, "That is Dadda." Said Rocky pointing to Ram.

 Reya became quiet seeing a stranger and snuggled to Rocky's neck. 

Ram extended his arms to take Reya but Reya held into Rocky tightly. "Go, baby." Said Rocky going near Ram. 

Reya looked at Rocky for a minute and Ram next and went to Ram. Ram embraced her and kissed her cheeks. 

Rocky smiled seeing the scene before him.

Golden Couple-KGFTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon