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So here is today's update.

That night Reya had her first threesome with Rohan, Rahul, and Sanjay. Reya agreed to this as she loved, trusted, and believed Rohan blindly. Post the session Rahul and Sanjay left without a word and Rohan and Reya cuddled.

The following weekend,

Roeena drove to Rocky's native village, Reena enjoyed the drive as they drove along the countryside. They tasted a lot of traditional food on the way to the village. Rocky bought her sugar candies, chikkis, tender coconut, and a lot of snacks that Reena had never seen or heard of.

 "Rocky, I think I like the orange candy more than the lemon candy." Said Reena popping one into her mouth.

 Rocky smiled and caressed her cheek with the back of his hand gently. At about seven in the evening, they reached Dadi's house.

 Reena adjusted her salwar as Rocky had instructed her not to expose her skin. Her new full-sleeved salwar kameez covered her neck and her wrists too. 

Rocky parked the car and got their bags and rang the bell. A young girl opened the door and smiled slightly at the couple, Rocky put an arm around Reena's shoulders gently and returned the smile. 

"Dadi was expecting you." She said as she led the way into one of the rooms. Reena saw Indrajit Dadi sitting with another old woman. 

Roeena smiled at them and took their blessings. "So you will come to me and meet me after a long time." Said the Badi dadi in a stern tone. 

"Nothing like that Badi dadi, Reena's Papa invited us to London and after returning from London I had some hectic time in the office, so we couldn't come." Explained Rocky. 

"From which place you are coming from?" asked Badi dadi to Reena in a hard tone. "I was born in Bangalore but moved to London when I was fourteen and I am a citizen of London too." Answered Reena.

 "Lon-don, where is it Rashmi?" asked Badi dadi to the young girl. "In British, dadi" answered Rashmi with a smirk confusing Reena with her attitude.

 "British! That means white people whom your Dadu fought with to make us independent?!" said Badi Dadi in a shocked tone. Reena looked at Rocky alarmed, Rocky assured her with his eyes and began talking, "Badi dadi, Reena was born in Bangalore and she moved with her Papa as he had worked there, their business grew and they made the white people work for them." 

Rashmi scoffed and left the place making Rocky roll his eyes and Reena shocked. Indrajit Dadi tried to lighten the situation by saying, "Beta, why don't you both freshen up a little, I'll check whether the food is ready or not." 

They all came out of the room and found Rashmi waiting outside. "Rashmi, take them to their room and I'll check whether Lakshmi has prepared the food." Said Indrajit Dadi. 

Rashmi glared at Indrajit Dadi for a minute and stood there looking at the floor. "Okay, you check whether the dinner is ready, I'll show them their room." Said Indrajit Dadi leading the way.

 Rocky frowned as he took Reena by her waist and walked behind Indrajit Dadi. Once they were in their private space, Reena crossed her arms and asked, "What's happening here?".

 Rocky pulled her closer and brushed his nose against hers and smiled resting her forehead against hers. 

Reena cupped his face and asked again, "What's happening here?". "Rashmi is Badi dadi's granddaughter she lost her parents in an accident when she was three and Badi dadi wanted me to marry her, but I fell in love and married my Shona who is beautiful inside and outside. Said Rocky. 

"Oh, that's why she was behaving indifferently with me," said Reena. The door which was slightly ajar was opened and Rashmi peeped in seeing her Reena tried to come out of Rocky's hold but he tightened the grip on her and asked, "What is it, Rashmi?". 

"Indrajit Dadi told me to call you both for dinner." She spoke. Reena could see the smoke coming out of Rashmi's ears, she glared at the couple for a moment and left the place. Reena looked at Rocky and said, "She hates me." Rocky pecked her lips and said, "I love you my Shona baby."

Dinner was terrible because Reena as Rashmi served them dinner, she had to sit on the floor with Rocky. Indrajit Dadi sat on a chair as she had joint pains. 

Rocky sat in a way that his knees would brush Reena's and Rashmi noticed this and placed the vessels with loud noises.

 She banged the plates on the floor and served out the helpings rather noisily. Rocky gave zero attention to her and began with his food. Reena rarely ate using her hands as she always used cutlery. 

She carefully scooped out the food and tried to eat neatly as she could. Indrajit Dadi noticed her difficulty and asked, "Rashmi, do we have any spoons?" "Maybe we must check the store room where old vessels are stored." Said Rashmi bringing the water jug and placing it on the floor with a loud bang. 

"Dadi, I'll help Shona to eat." Said Rocky scooping some food and feeding her with his hands with a smirk. Rashmi filled a plate and left the place. Reena looked at Rocky who winked at her and continued to feed her.

Post dinner, Roeena sat on the terrace enjoying the breeze. "Rocky, I like this place." Said Reena. Rocky pulled her into his embrace and said, "I'll take you to a place which is very close to my heart, tomorrow." Reena smiled as she ruffled his hair. "I think we must sleep; you must be very tired nah as you drove all the way here," said Reena kissing his forehead.

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