17. What Taylor Swift Song Are You?

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I was too unbothered to answer him.

Sleeping with the fan on would have been the greatest activity for today.

"Why don't we go on one of those tour bus thingies?" Ella suggested. "We could see the city, take a bunch of photos and try new foods."

All I could think about was Ace.

The past few months with him were perfect, like something out of a romance movie. We hung out practically every day, and there were many steamy make out sessions. But since we had arrived in Los Angeles, he's been a completely different person.

And I wasn't sure if I liked this version of Ace Caldwell.

"Okay." I say not-so energetically.

Adelaide's POV

"Oh my god." I gasped, looking down at the text that came through on my phone.

"What?" Nora wondered.

"Allegra texted me, her brother, well, her step-brother, he's asking about you." I tell her.

I clicked out of the text and looked for Nora's contact so that I could copy her number and paste it as a response to Allegra.

"Really?" Nora seemed genuinely surprised.

"Why are you surprised? You're totally hot. I'm surprised that you aren't already engaged to four different men." I say.

"Are you calling me a slut?" Nora raised an eyebrow, still drinking her second cup of coffee.

"No! I just meant that you are hot enough that you could marry four guys."

She rolled her eyes at me.

"Well, what do you think of him?" I asked her.

"He's cute, I guess." Was all she said.

"He's cute?" I looked over at her completely perplexed. "Puppies are cute! Baby seals are cute! What, aren't you interested in him?"

"I don't want to get emotionally attached or anything if I'm only going to be here for the summer."

Oh, that actually made sense.

"Well, screw emotional attachments then, just have sex with him."

"Adelaide!" Nora gasped.

"What? Emotionless sex is not a crime." I laugh.

"What do you think happened with Charlie and Ace last night?" Nora asked me.

"Uhh." I took a breath. "Ace is bad at relationships, he always has been. But he's been totally different with Charlie. I mean, they are so adorable. I guess the old Ace finally caught up with him." I answered, putting it bluntly. I didn't know how else to put it.

"I hope they're okay." Nora says, finishing off her coffee.

At that, I stood from my place on the couch and stormed upstairs to give Ace a piece of my mind.

Without warning, I twisted the knob and threw the door open. Ace was still in bed, asleep and his room smelled like a pub and ashtray in one, which made sense. He probably stayed up late last night drinking anything alcoholic and chain-smoking a pack of cigarettes.

"Get your ass up!" I jumped on his bed and shook him awake.

He rolled over, groaning.

"Get up!" I shouted.

He groaned again. "Fuck off!" His voice sounded like thunder.

"Do not raise your voice at me." I warned him.

"Then get out." He said, much quieter but angry all the same.

I sat down and began speaking calmly with him. "Alright, dude. What's your problem?" I asked him.

When he didn't answer, I continued on. "What is going on? And why did you go off at Charlie last night?"

"It's not really any of your business."

I smacked him in the arm. "Why do you always have to self destruct like this? Huh? You always do this, and as your obviously amazing twin, I have to tell you that this act is getting boring. So quit being such a dickhead, and go apologise to your boyfriend for whatever happened before you ruin everything!" I flicked him in the forehead before taking my leave.

"Fuck you!" He shouted as I began to descend the staircase.

"Love you too!" I shouted back.

Hopefully he'll take my advice.

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