Last Night on Earth. ( Pt. 3 )

664 19 4

[ 3rd Person P.O.V ]

( At The Town Square. )

As the people started to scatter elsewhere, causing wide panic the Royal heirs stood their group and sliced and shot any creatures that are threatening to kill them. " They turn into stone. " Y/n said as she kicked a huge stone on the ground that came from the creature.

" I assume, if we damage their stone exteriors they'll turn into, well, Stone. " Aja pointed her hand at the stones that are scattered everywhere.

" I can see that. " Krel commented sarcastically, looking at his older sister with an unimpressed expression.

Y/n clicked her tongue, looking at Krel before turning away. The lady who has the purple armour was fighting the creatures with a boy that has a copper armour, they all turned their heads at them before focusing on the ones that are near them.

" What on Earth-- and I say that literally, are these things? " Krel exclaimed, looking at Aja and Y/n for answers with his eyebrows furrowed.

" Nastier than any Earthlings I've ever encountered, and I've been to Florida. Ugh! " Stuart commented as he held on the microphone stand with a tight grip, staring at what's ahead of them. Three creatures ran towards them, roaring.

Aja yelled and charged forward, jumping on the creature and stabbing it, turning it into stone. Y/n them followed with her Serrator activated into a spear, she quickly slashed the creature at their torso before going back to Aja and Krel's side.

Krel shot the last remaining creature making it crumble. The three teens gave each other a high five as they all chuckled, being proud of their team work.

They suddenly all ducked when another creature aimed for Stuart. " Wait. " Stuart whimpered as he moved out of the way. Aja quickly activated her Serrator again while Stuart frantically threw a microphone at the Creature's face.

The object only bounced back to the ground leaving the creature unfazed, and once it was about to attack it suddenly turned into stone, crumbling revealing Zadra behind it. She walked forward, looking at Stuart who was covering himself with his arm.

He stared at the lady before introducing himself. " Hey, there. The name is Stuart, but you can call me stu. " he said with a smile as if he wasn't panicking a few sectons ago.

The three teens ran towards Them. " Zadra! Thank Seklos you're here. " Aja said, looking at Zadra before turning around after hearing another growl right behind them.

Zadra stepped forward, ready to protect the Royal children while they all stood back. Krel pulled Y/n by her wrist, afraid of the creature' fast speed. " Excuse me! Coming through! " Someone yelled from above before taking the creature with him, Flying away.

" Did it just fly? " Y/n asked, pointing a finger at the flying creature that was holding the troll that was about to attack. They all stared in shock as Zadra turned around, killing another Troll that threatened to attack them.

" This is not our fight. We must return to The Mother Ship at once. " She pointed at the stone before using her weapon to point the way to The Mother Ship.

" The citizens of Akiridion-5 need you. " She added. Aja looked at her, hesitant while Y/n and Krel waited for her to say a word. The silence was cut short when a yelling was heard from the side. A creature threw the human that was wearing the copper armour away.

They all stared in shock before turning back to Zadra. Y/n and Krel looked at each other before turning their heads as Aja spoke. " So do the people of Arcadia. " She said before going on ahead to fight.

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