Truth Be Told.

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Episode 11, Truth be told.

Aja decides to tell Steve she's an Alien, but her confession was cut short by a visit from the Zeron Brotherhood.

[ 3rd Person P.O.V ]

( At Home. )

It was the same quiet night, the same night where the Royals and Stuart successfully escaped from Area 49-B and the same night where Krel finally woke up.

It took a secton to process the after pain he felt with his body being painfully sore, he groaned sitting up finally having enough strength. He looked at his nightstand seeing that it's almost 4 in the morning.

Taking a few Mekrons for himself he stood up from his bed, stretching himself to relieve some pain before getting out of his room, peeking his head out the door.

The hall was quiet, not even the Blanks are in sight. He sighed before walking to the kitchen to get himself a glass of water, he let out a gasp when he saw Varvatos' sleeping form on the comfort of his favourite seat with the talking box on.

He chuckled quietly before turning off the talking box and helping himself for a glass of water. Krel sneaked his way back to the hall of bedrooms, slowly opening his sister's door to see if she's all right.

And there Aja was, sleeping peacefully with Luug on her side. He smiled at the sight before closing the door, turning to the door that was right next to his. Y/n's Room.

He took a deep breath in before opening the door quietly, he peeked his head inside adjusting his eyesight from the dim room. Her Akiridion body provided a faint glowing light allowing Krel to make his way to her.

He closed the door behind him before sitting on her bed making her shift a little due to his weight pushing down the soft mattress. Y/n only let out a tiny groan before raising her hand. " Five more mekrons. " She muttered.

Krel let's out a tiny laugh before taking her hand, holding on to it. Y/n was too deep in her sleep to even wake up at a subtle movement. " Sure, Five more mekrons. " Krel said lowly as he watched her breath softly.

Y/n let's out a small sleepy whimper in response before Hugging a pillow close to her chest. One of her hands were holding on tightly to Krel's hand as a natural instinct as if he'll dissapear.

Krel didn't want to disturb her sleep but at the same time he wants to sleep more. Sure they've shared the same bed before but he doesn't want to bother her by making her move a little and make space for himself.

He'll make himself comfortable, in a chair maybe. He glanced at the particular chair that Y/n uses when she does homework, it's a pretty comfortable seat but not comfortable enough to him to sleep on.

He tried multiple methods to try and make himself comfortable like sitting on the chair and resting his legs on your bed but that seems uncomfortable for him so he just gave up.

He huffed, sitting down on the bed once more. Y/n shifted a little, rubbing her eyes. " Krel? " She said lowly with her voice being a little deeper than her normal voice.

" What are you doing, come here. " Y/n offered, still sleepy and forgetting the fact that he was hurt before and just woke up. Krel perked up at her words before making himself comfortable in her arms.

Now this is comfortable.

Resting his head on Y/n's pillow, he wrapped one of his arms around her waist as she slowly scratches Krel's head making him sleepier by the mekron.

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