The Arcadian Job.

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Episode 10, The Arcadian Job.

In a daring heist the Royals and Stuart infiltrate a high-security military base in hopes of stealing the final part to power The Mother Ship.

( At Home. )
( In Y/n's Room. )

[ 2nd Person P.O.V ]

It was a quiet yet cold night in Arcadia, the stars burned in space, providing light for those who wonder at night. Everyone was fast asleep in their own rooms except you and Krel.

Krel did promise you a date but never specified when, you can't seem to sleep since the rush of excitement was circulating your body. You decided to stay up and write to pass the time until you get sleepy.

Mother suggested a night gown for you and Aja to wear, she also suggested one for Varvatos and Krel, surprisingly, these human clothes are soft and comfortable.

Lucy sewed it so it fits the Royals four arms and Varvatos' bulky body, even Luug has one. who knew having night gowns or what the human call it these days ' Pajamas ' can be so comfortable?

" Can't sleep, My Royal? "

Mother asked as you clicked the keys in your typewriter. The Teachers in the Building of Math found it fascinating that you write your homework in a typewriter instead of a notebook.

You do use your notebook but for notes and then you move them in your typewriter to make it look more livelier and prettier. Plus it gives you plus points.

It's old but it provides some quite of comforting aura. Ms. Janeth said it brings her such joy seeing things that they used to use be used again.

" Yes, Mother. " You answered with a soft smile. You don't look like you had a nightmare, you look like you're thinking of someone you love.

" You seem joyous tonight. Is someone in your mind? "

You gasped at the sudden words as a flush of red appeared in your face. You didn't know you were thinking of the one and only Krel Tarron the whole entire time you're writing.

You tilted your head slightly. " No. Not at all Mother. " You shook your head. Well clearly you're lying to a tech bot but who cares, she can think too.

" Well, I suggest you retire for the night and take a rest. You still have School tomorrow. "

You stopped clicking down the keys and stared out your window that was In front of you for a secton. " Right, I should. I do feel kind of tired. " You said as you sat up to stretch a little.

Mother moved to the side as you picked your Typewriter up and placed it back to where it was before. You cleaned your desk, throwing away unnecessary rubbish in the trash can, dusted your hands and sat down on your bed.

Sighing deeply, you flipped your blankets ready to lay down when a low knock came from your door. You raised an eyebrow before walking towards the door to open it.

" Krel? " You asked lowly as he peeked his head inside your door. He gave you a smile before leaning on your door frame with his hand.

You opened the door bigger for him to come inside. You figured he couldn't sleep since he's wearing the Pajamas. " Are you ready? " He asked as he tilted his head.

You raised an eyebrow at his actions. " Well? " He removed his hand from the door frame, going inside of your room. The smell of your ( f/s ) met his nose, providing a warm aura.

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