Terra Incognita. ( Pt. 4 )

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Quick note.
M/n = Mom's name.

[ Y/n's P.O.V ]

In a hurry Me, Krel, Zadra and Varvatos went to the room full of Akiridion fleets. I waited patiently with Krel as Varvatos and Zadra prepared the Fleet for flying probably planning to cross the galaxies.

I held my four hands together, getting more and more impatient as a few sekton's pass. Finally the fleets are ready, " Finally- " another crash has made the planet shake making me lose my Balance and fall, Varvatos and Zadra placed their hands on the fleet for support.

Krel took my hand and quickly took me inside one of the fleets. " Come on, Y/n! " He dragged me with him, only to be stopped by Varvatos.

" King-in-waiting! I'm afraid, Lady Y/n will ride with me. You should be under the Protection of lieutenant Zadra. " I Breathed out, and looked at Krel.

I noticed the horrid expression he made with his face, I'm sure his thoughts are getting way ahead of him. His hands turn cold on mine. I placed one of my hands on his face and hugged him tightly, I let go and looked at Varvatos. " Varvatos, I'll go with Krel. You should go and get Aja. " I said as I took my Serrator out.

" Since the King-in-waiting is one of Morando's targets, I'll help Zadra protect him. " After a sekton of silence, Varvatos nodded with his eyes closed. Me, Krel and Zadra quickly went inside the fleet. We sat down right behind Zadra with me not putting my Serrator away.

I looked out of the clear neon Blue window and what I said was right, loads of Strykers went after us as quick as a Larvox.

Within less than a Mekron, a hologram of Aja appeared right Infront of Krel and Me. " What is happening?! " Aja asked in a slight panic,

" it's a coup. " I said, with a frown hiding my worries for my Mama and Papa, on Akiridion-5 a Consort for a Royal will be temporarily unavailable to their parents as they should focus on the goal ahead, be a great Ruler.

" General Morando is trying to usurp the throne! " Krel added before looking away and then looking ahead.

" Krel, are Mama and Papa- " Aja's words were cut off as she saw our fleet get attacked.

" Ah! " Krel yelled as I grunted on my seat, the turbulence of the fleet made Zadra panic a little as we lost fire power.

" We've been hit! We lost Firepower! " She yelled in the Akiridion head piece towards Varvatos Vex, the controls went red warning us that the hit was critical.

" Krel, where are you going?! " I asked as I hold his wrist pulling him back.

" Cover me! "

" What?! Why? " Zadra glared " Oh, because you're both trying to kill yourself.

" She added as she looked back forward, still controlling the Fleet in its critical condition.

" Hey! I wasn't a part of this. " I yelled back as I followed Krel going behind.

" What are you doing? " I asked him as he hung upside down behind of the fleet.

" I'm going to fix the problem. " He said, I frowned and activated the shield of my Serrator also positioning myself upside down with my back facing his back, and me facing the Strykers of General Morando.

" Okay, not so bad! " He commented as he looked at the damage.

A lot of rays of red beams shot at us but I blocked their attacks using the shield of my Serrator. " Oh, no no.. it's bad. " Krel commented right behind me as he shook his head.

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