Flying the Coop.

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Episode 7, Flying the Coop.

Aja, Y/n and Krel are summoned by the school board to produce proper identification. Zadra along with Y/n's parents discovers the identity of the traitor who aided the coup.

( In Outer Space. )

[ 3rd Person P.O.V ]

A Bounty Hunter stood at the pile of rocks on the Earth's Moon' edge as it stared at the Planet called Earth. It took out it's device Activating it.

" Intercepting signal. "

The device whirred in their hands as they pointed it at the Planet.

The device tracked something. It was the Zeron Brotherhood's ship. Omega spoke up. " That child might have stolen our subspace manifold, but if he thinks I can't find a workaround- "

" How long do you need? " Alpha cut them off by asking.

" A few Delsons. " Omega said, not sure about how many days it'll take to build another or steal another Subspace manifold.

" The Royals may have brought themse more time, but they won't be safe in their backwater town of Arcadia for long. " Alpha said.

The device confirmed their identities before changing the Holoscreen to the three Royal teens. If also showed which town they're in, and which school do they go to.

" And now, I, Halcon, agree. " The Bounty Hunter said in a pitched voice as it stared at the Planet Earth.

( Inside The Mother Ship. )

Varvatos chuckles as he and Aja sparred near the Cockpit of the Mother Ship. Aja gasped as she stepped back, away from Varvatos who's stepping closer towards her with his Serrator activated into a shield.

Aja took her Serrator out and Activated it into a spear as well, doing fancy moves before holding it right Infront of her. Varvatos smiled before launching himself towards her.

Aja swiftly got away by jumping over him. Varvatos swung his Serrator towards Aja, which she dodged and block making her step back at the force.

She gasped as she almost fell off their small arena. Varvatos laughed, pointing his Serrator on Aja's. " Glorious! " He yelled.

" Your first day of warrior training and you haven't met a grisly death. " Varvatos said, still pointing his Serrator at Aja.

" You're trying to kill me? " She barely asked as she stood on her ground, catching her breath.

" If Varvatos were really trying, you would be dead! " He said. Which was true, Aja's not in the advanced training Lesson yet and she's still struggling.

Aja let's out a groan, ready to attack Varvatos once more. " For Varvatos always wins! " Aja jumped over Varvatos, landing on his shoulder before jumping down again.

She rolled out of the way as Varvatos aimed to hit her with his Serrator. Varvatos tried to hit Aja once more, she quickly moved out of the way. " Attack. Do not merely evade! " He yelled, giving her a tip as Aja blocks his Serrator with hers.

" I'm waiting for an opening. " Aja said as she used her strength to block his Serrator. Varvatos falls back and turns. " I don't want to- " he quickly kicked her from her shoulders making her all off the small arena.

She grunted as she held on the edge. " To get hurt. " She said strained as she held on before finally climbing back up.

Varvatos lend her a hand that she gladly accepted. " Getting hurt is inevitable for a warrior, but it is the fear of injury that will get you killed. " He said, pointing at her.

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