Papa's lil scoob (a comfort/vent fic for the author)

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A papa (male) who would do anything for his lil guy even if that means watching Scooby Doo all the time

TW: THIS GETS VERY SAD, mentions Papa being sick, talk that he'll be gone eventually. (As in the sickness will take him sooner rather than later), it's fluffy it's sad, it doesn't have a happy ending really. It's kinda open ended. This was a vent piece.


(author's note at the end explains why I've been gone)

Little POV
I didn't really know what to do. I was kinda bored. A little small I think. Not too sure. I just know I can feel the fuzziness creeping up around the edges of my mind. Papa's at an appointment so I guess I just have to wait for him, he said we can watch Scooby Doo together when he gets home. He even said he has a present for me! I wonder what it is. Papa always brings the best presents, like ice cream n chicken nuggies!! Hmmm now I'm hungry, I hope Papa will make me some Mac n cheese when he's home.

Papa POV
After I got done at my appointment I sat outside in the car for a bit wondering how and when I'll tell my little Scoob this news. Sighing I got out and grabbed the package that had come in the mail today before making my way inside and putting a smile on my face. "Scoob!! Papa's home. Do you wanna come open your surprise?" I genuinely smile as I hear feet quickly padding down the hall towards me. "Papa!! Papa!!! How'd it go?? Papa's okay right??" Scoob asks me with the most sincere look on his face. I smile and brush his hair back from his face. "Papa's always okay as long as he has his Scoob. Everything will be okay, Scoob. Let Papa worry about that stuff, you just worry about being happy, you understand?" He looks like he's going to protest and demand to know what's going on before I shake the package. "And Scoob what would make Papa so happy is if you opened this surprise he got for you! Will you do that for Papa?" I ask playfully and kiss his head before holding out the package to him. "Hmmm okay Papa, I'll open it but this isn't over!!" He says stomping his foot. I laugh as I watch him tear into the packaging.

Little POV
I tear into the package Papa gave me. If it's a present you gotta open it like it's Christmas. That's what Papa always says!! "Papa!! It's a paci!! I love it, Papa. Thank yous" I squeal noticing it's from a shop I've been wanting something from. It's got a Shaggy and Scooby center with hints of pink deco and pink lace (since pink is Papa's favorite color), it even says Papa's lil Scoob! It'll definitely be my new favorite paci!

 It's got a Shaggy and Scooby center with hints of pink deco and pink lace (since pink is Papa's favorite color), it even says Papa's lil Scoob! It'll definitely be my new favorite paci!

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"Do you want Papa to go wash it so you can use it, Scoob?" Papa asks while holding out his hand for the paci. I nod excitedly and hand it over to him. "Papa it'll go with my green crochet paci clip!!" I hear Papa gasp from the kitchen. "You're so right Scoob it will! Why don't you go get it from your room so we can use it to attach it to your overalls?" I nod even though Papa can't see me and speed walk (run) to my room to grab it from my box. When I come back to the living room Papa is there with my new paci already washed. We attach my paci to the clip then the clip to my overalls. And just then... my tummy growls and Papa laughs at me! "You hungry Scoob? Let's get you some food before your guts rub together! What do you want to eat?" "Mac n cheese, Papa!!" "Oh silly Papa. Of course Scoob wants Mac n cheese. Okay go watch Scooby Doo while I make that okay?" I giggle and go to put on Scooby Doo on the big TV in the living room. It's times like these I love the most. Just having Papa around and being able to forget that he's sick. Me being little helps us both forget or at least ignore it. I shake my head to clear those thoughts and put my new paci in my mouth and watch the screen. Papa comes in a few episodes later with Mac n cheese and a sippy cup of juice, he always knows what I want without me asking. He just knows me that well. I sit up to eat and we eat in silence and then Papa put his arm around me and I know he's thinking again. "I love you, Papa" he turns to press his face into my hair. "I love you, Scoob. Papa will always love you. He'll always love you. Will always look after you even when he's not here physically." Papa and I spend the rest of the evening crying and watching Scooby Doo. Hoping that I could stay little just a little while longer. That for a little while longer he'll be okay.

Author's note: I know I've been getting requests. I've lost track of most of them tbh. I've been gone because my Bear and I broke up, cut contact ect and then less than 2 weeks later my Papa died. The man who raised me after my sperm donor walked out and my mom was a single mom. I've felt so broken I haven't been able to write. I wasn't going to post this but I like how it turned out even if it was a vent piece. I'm hoping to get back into writing since it is a coping mechanism.

Also the paci is actually a paci I own. I got it in memory of my Papa, it was a custom ❤️‍🩹

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2023 ⏰

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