Daddy's sick baby

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Neutral reader x Daddy

Daddy's POV
My sweet baby keeps whining and sniffling after a few minutes I can't take it anymore. I have to know what's wrong with my precious baby. "Baby whats wrong?" I ask trying to keep the worry out of my voice. "I feels sick daddy..." oh no, my poor baby. I simply nod and grab a thermometer that I always keep close just in case. "Say ah sweetheart, daddy's gonna check your temperature" "ahhhh" "good baby now stay still" my baby tries to stay still I can tell their trying. But they do wiggle a bit, it's adorable but I'm too worried to chuckle. "Baby you have a fever, daddy's going to get you some medicine and some water okay baby?" "M'kay daddy" I quickly go to get my baby some medicine and some water. I have to keep them hydrated. Maybe after I give them the medicine I can put them down for a nap. "Here baby take this medicine and then drink some water for daddy okay?" "Daddy medicine icky..." "oh sweet baby daddy knows it's icky but it'll help you feel better so take it then daddy will snuggle with you" my baby only nods in defeat as they take the medicine and slowly start drinking some water. "Okay baby do you feel warm? Does daddy need to change you?" I only get a head shake. I sigh and gently pick up my baby. "Do you wanna snuggle with daddy?" A small nod comes from my baby as they look up at me. I smile softly at them. Oh how did I get so lucky. "Alright baby let's go lay down and snuggle. You can take a nap with daddy." "M'kay daddy..." oh how I hate when my baby doesn't feel good. I lay my baby down and get under the covers with them holding them close not even caring if I get sick too. "When we get up I'll check your temperature again. Until then if you need anything you let daddy know. Daddy's gonna take extra care of his sick baby" that gets a small smile out of my baby. I kiss their burning forehead and let them rest there head on my chest. Don't worry baby, daddy will take care of you.

A/N: I saw someone request temperature checking so I kinda just ran with it 😅 I haven't written anything in a while so it's not the best but it was fun to write ! I'm always taking requests and I don't mind doing characters as caregivers !

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