Figuring things out and doubts

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Non-binary Cg (Bear as cg name, He/They pronouns) x Male Little (He/It pronouns)

Little POV
"Hey love you doing alright?" Bear asked. I looked up at them and nodded. "Mm okay, Bear" He looked surprised for a second but tried not to let it show too much. "Are you small right now kiddo?" I simply nod sometimes I just don't feel like talking around him. It's still new having him as a caregiver but he understand and doesn't take any offense. He smiles warmly at me and sits next to me letting me snuggle up into him. "That's okay baby. I love small you just as much as big you. I love you no matter what" I blush and smile leaning my head against his shoulder. "Love you too, Bear" They smirk a little "well that's good I would have been super sad if my baby didn't love it's Bear as much as they love their baby" I giggle and shake my head at his silliness. Sometimes when he's not sure what to say he resorts to teasing and joking around. That's okay with me I love him no matter what. I just wish he knew he didn't have to try so hard.

Bear POV
I can't help but smile at my boy's giggles. He's so cute. I love taking care of him though I can't tell if I'm doing a good job. I wanna be a good caregiver for him obviously. He's my boyfriend I just wanna make him happy. Sometimes I don't know what the hell I'm doing but he doesn't seem to mind. We don't talk about it's small space much when he's big. I'm okay with it, I know he's embarrassed but sometimes I wish I could ask some questions or at least know if I'm doing a good job. He's pretty nonverbal most times. Which is fine, silence means I don't have to worry about saying the wrong thing. I sigh quietly and play with my boy's hair. "What's wrong Bear?" I shake my head. "It's nothing baby, sometimes I just think too much you know how Bear is." He simply nods and pauses for a second. "What was Bear thinkin bout?" I look at him for a minute then back at the tv playing at a low volume. I sigh again "I just... I love taking care of you and making you happy but sometimes I don't know if I do a good enough job for my pup." He turns so he's sitting in my lap and cups my face in his hands. A bit clumsy but I don't expect perfect coordination from a kiddo. "Bear... you Uhms... you do a good job. Mm really glad you take care of me. You make me feel really safe n happy. Don't worry so much M'kay? I love you no matter what." I shake my head fondly and smile. "Shouldn't I be the one comforting you baby? Not the baby comforting the caregiver" he gets a really serious face for a minute which makes me almost laugh because I mean really imagine a pretty boy sitting on your lap with a serious face when he's in a onesie and has a pacifier clipped to it. See? It's cute not serious. "Littles have to take care of their caregivers too Bear. It's not only about us. It's about both of us. N you do comfort me. Cuz you knows you always say my small space isn't a bother to you. And that's comforting. Cuz you know how I am about it." I nod for a minute "okay baby. You're right. And I'll always comfort you about that because honestly small you is really adorable. I don't understand how I got so lucky." He covers his face blushing and leans into my shoulder while I laugh and wrap my arms around it's waist. "See? You're so cute! Oh my goodness I'm so lucky!"

Little POV
I whine and shake my head. "Mm not cute Bear shush" they laugh at me. So rude. "You're the cutest boy I've ever seen." Bear is so sweet I don't know how I got so lucky with them. I nuzzle into their shoulder and they rub my back a bit. "Hey baby? Do you wanna sit so you can see the TV or do you wanna keep hiding your face in my shoulder?" I pout and turn sideways on his lap so I can still lean my head on his shoulder but now I can watch my cartoons. He picks up sippy cup and holds it up to my lips. "Drink baby, I gotta make sure you're staying hydrated." I take a sip and scrunch my nose. "It's warm" I hear them quietly curse under their breath. "Here baby hop up so I can go put some ice in your water." I giggle and scoot off their lap. They know I only drink ice water because of my sensory issues but they must have been too caught up in their thoughts to double check that there was still ice in the cup. He comes back with my cup and you can hear the ice hitting the sides of the cup. "Here baby, sorry about that I should have checked" he sits back down and pulls me into his lap. "It's okay Bear, you have a bad memory" they look slightly offended and gasp. "How rude baby!" I giggle because he knows I'm right but still has the guts to act offended. They roll their eyes at me and go back to watching cartoons with me. "You know I've never watched this one." I pause in my drinking and turn to look at him. "You never watched Scooby Doo? Did your parents keep you under a rock??" "Says the one who never gets my references bc he wasn't allowed to watch TV much or play video games" he sticks his tongue out at me. I laugh "okay okay that's fair. You're right. But now that means you gotta start it from the beginning. Season 1 episode 1! Come on Bear change it you gotta watch it with me!" He laughs and picks up the remote "okay okay mister bossy pants. There. Happy now?" I kiss his cheek and nod. "Thank you Bear." "Anything for you, prince."

Bear POV
After watching a few episodes of Scooby Doo with my kiddo I realized he definitely needed to eat so I paused the show. Oh boy and he doesn't look the happiest with me, he's very much pouting. "I know I know Bear is so mean for pausing your show, but my baby you need to eat okay? So what would you like?"
"Mmmm... homemade Mac n cheese?" "The one you have the recipe for on the fridge?" "Yeah yeah yeah!!" I think for a minute. I mean I could make it. I'd just have to follow the instructions and I know we have everything to make it. But would he be okay with me not being with him while I make it? I mean most littles are pretty clingy and he's clingier when he's small... "well it would take like 40 ish minutes to make. Would you be okay by yourself for that long?" He nods excitedly. "Okay then baby I'll unpause your show and you can watch while I cook. You'll still be able to see me if you sit up okay?" He just nods. I kiss his head and slide him off my lap. "Make sure you drink your water. I'll be back when it's in the oven." "Okay Bear, thank you." I smile and nod. Now time to make his Mac n cheese. Oh gods please don't let me mess this up, it's his favorite.

Little POV
An episode and a half later Bear come back and sits next to me again. I scoot into his lap and lean against him while he wraps his arms around me. "It's in the over baby, now we just gotta wait for the timer to go off then I'll take it out and bring you a bowl of it." "Mkays thank you Bear" they smile at me and kiss my temple. "Anything for my cute baby." I giggle and tilt my head slightly, placing a kiss to their jaw before going back to watching Scooby Doo. Bear reaches in front of me to grab my sippy cup and he shakes it lightly trying to figure out how much water is left. "Bear will refill your cup once the timer goes off okay Prince?" All I do is nod. About an episode later the timer goes off, Bear slides me off his lap again and picks up my sippy cup walking to the kitchen. Not much later he comes back in with two bowl of Mac n cheese and my sippy cup refilled with ice water. I reach out for my cup and bowl which he silently hands to me before sitting next to me. I put my legs over one of his since sitting in his lap would make it hard for them to eat but I still wanna be close to them. What can I say I like being close to my Bear, I'm a bit clingy. We eat on the couch while watching Scooby Doo. Once we're done Bear puts our empty bowls on the coffee table and pulls me against them, spooning me from behind. "How was the food pup?" "It was good thank you Bear" I can feel them nod their head behind me. I'm half asleep when he shakes me awake and tells me it's time for a nap. A nap sounds really good right now.

Bear POV
I take it's hand and gently guide it to our room not before I remember to grab it's sippy cup. I move the blanket and let him slide into bed before putting his cup on our bedside table and turning off the light. As I'm about to head out I feel him grab my shirt. "Cuddles...?" I can tell he's hesitant to ask. I gently remove his hand from my shirt and kiss his knuckles. "Let Bear go put up the food and then he'll give you all the cuddle you want sweet boy." He nods a bit sad but I kiss his head and quickly make my way to the kitchen and put up the food. I grab the bowls and put them in the sink deciding I can wash them later. I turn off the lights and go back to our room slipping into bed next to my boy and holding him close. He nuzzles into me and whispers "mm love you Bear, thank you for taking care of me" before he drifts off into sleep. "I love you too my sweet boy" I whisper hoping he can hear me in his sleep and kiss his temple before letting sleep pull me under. Not before smiling to myself and thinking 'yeah. I can do this. Taking care of him isn't hard. And it's worth all his smiles.'

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